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**rewritten/edited 08/16/2021

hey everyone! i hope you're all doing well and making the most out of life!!

i hope you all enjoy this update!!💜💜

"are you sure you wanna help me? you know you don't have to," you tell luke, your boyfriend of about a year and a half now. he had offered to help you babysit your 7 (seven) year old niece who was your brother's daughter.

you had just made it over to his house and you were giving luke one last chance to back out if he wanted to. you were never a big fan of babies, nor were you good at taking care of them.

the 2 (two) of you get out of his car and make your way up to your brothers front door. you knock twice (2) and the door swings open, you're greeted by your sister in law.

"hey y/n! it's nice to see you again, you too luke! thank again you guys for going this for us, we just haven't been out by ourselves in almost a year now and we just need a little time alone," she rambles on, letting you both inside and shutting the door behind you and luke.

"of course, it's no problem at all, i hope you guys have fun," you tell your brother after he ruffles your hair as a greeting. your sister in law calls for her daughter and you can hear her little footsteps echoing throughout the house.

"aurora, come say hi to y/n and luke, sweetie," she calls out to the 7 (seven) year old who walks over to you and drops her stuffed animal to the floor at the sight of luke.

"lukey!" she exclaimed once she lays her eyes on your boyfriend.

"aurora!" he says, using the same high pitched tone of voice that she did.

"okay y/n, we're gonna head out now, call or text to let me know if you need anything," your brother tells you.

you nod your head and reassure him that's you'll be okay. you, luke, and aurora wave them out the door. their car is now out of sight and you shut the door. when you turn around, your boyfriend and your niece are gone.

you shake your head and head to the kitchen to make dinner for her. you decide on chicken nuggets and mac & cheese. while you let the noodles boil, you head to the living room in search of the other 2 (two).

when you find them, luke has a tiara on his head and aurora is in her sleeping beauty princess dress.

"c'mon, aur, it's time for dinner," you tell her and she squeals and runs to the seat in the kitchen. you walk into the kitchen and finish up her food, before putting it in front of her.

two arms wrap around your waist and hug you from behind. luke places the tiara on your head and walks to the kitchen table then sits down next to your niece.

your dinner is filled with laughs and giggles and stupid jokes. you and luke clean up while aurora picks out a movie she wants to watch.

"luke! y/n! can we watch sleeping beauty? please, pretty please? it's my favorite movie, and we even have the same exact name, so we have to watch it!" she begs and you would never say no to her.

"of course you can, princess, c'mon, let's go get it ready," luke says, he picks her up and rests her on his hip while he walks away. a smile is instantly on your face at the sight.

when you finally make it to the living room, the movie had already been started.

"starting without me?" you teasingly ask.

"sorry y/n, i couldn't wait any longer! and, and luke said we could watch it now!" she tells you.

you raise a brow at your boyfriend and he just tickles aurora for snitching on him. aurora insists on sitting right in front of the tv for the majority of the movie. when she begins to get drowsy and she starts slurring her words, luke picks her up off of the carpet and carries her to the couch. you were still sitting on the other side of the couch for the last 20 (twenty) minutes of the movie.

when you look over in luke's direction, he is laying with his head resting on the back of the couch and aurora is resting on his chest. both of them are sound asleep and you get up from your spot on the couch, turn off all the lights and the tv, then you sit down next to your boyfriend and lean your head on his shoulder. you grab a blanket and pull it over your body to keep warm. you then fall asleep with your boyfriend, wondering if maybe you'll have kids with him one day.

wc: 828
stay safe and healthy!!💜💜

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