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HEY YALL!!! i hope you all enjoy this update and guess what??? it's my 100th part of this book!!🥳🥳

and i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads and votes and inter aces with me and this book!! you all mean so much to mean, more than you'll ever know!!💜💜💜

luke is a gusher. a fully-qualified, well-practiced gusher.

from the very first date, he's been forthcoming with gentle praise and touches, and his habit to take every opportunity to compliment you has only spiralled since. even now, several months into your relationship, he never misses out on a chance to love on you, and this is something you've found yourself growing quite fond of it.

who doesn't love a bit of extra love, after all?

in the mornings, he's there with soft lips for your forehead. when you get home from work, he's waiting there to wrap you in his arms. when you fall asleep at night, nestled together beneath the cosy duvet, he's there, dropping sweet mutterings onto your head. he's always just...there, appreciating you, loving you, making you feel special, and it's really lovely.

"y/n?" he whines.

you  glance up, an involuntary smile twitching over your lips as you see luke sprawled over the sofa, tv remote in hand. he tosses it aside as he curves his fingers, beckoning you towards him.

"c'mere," he calls you over to him.

with a slight roll of your eyes, you put down your mug of tea and walk across the living room, pausing by the edge of the sofa to stare down at him, a hand on your hip.

"what's up?"

luke grabs at your hands, and you squeal quietly as he pulls you down. you end up straddling his lap as he sits up, his fingers holding your waist as he stares at you, brown eyes wide with love.

"guess what?"


"you're so, so, so pretty," he punctuates each repetition with a kiss of your cheek, and it feels as though a hot flame tickles your entire face.

"shut up," you mutter, eyes shining. a quiet smile grabs hold of your lips as luke pulls you closer, his lips dropping to leave soft, warm kisses over the bottom of your neck.
"nah," he mumbles against your skin.

"you're the prettiest person on the planet, babe, let me say it."

he crooks his neck to look up at you and you feel the air vanish from your lungs as your eyes sweep over your boyfriend.

if anything, he's the prettiest person on the planet. with his curly hair tousled over his forehead and his eyes shining and swimming in love, you find yourself forgetting how to breathe.

he's absolutely stunning- breath-taking, really.

so absorbed in your unabashed staring, you feel yourself take an involuntary gasp a few seconds later. luke's eyes round out with concern.

"what- are you okay, sweetheart?"
you feel the burn of your cheeks grow more intense.

"i'm just- i'm breathless, okay? whenever I'm with you, it happens." your words are soft and mumbled, but luke picks up on them and coos lightly.

"awe," he says, trying to make a joke of it, but finding his face burn a deep red. "that's  really romantic."

you roll your eyes as you pluck one of his hands off your waist, and slowly drag your lips over each of the knuckles. A surge of affection rushes through your chest as you scatter love over his skin, ending by putting his hand down and wrapping him in a long embrace.

"Just love you a lot," you mumble against his ear. your cheek presses against his shoulder as he sighs contentedly.

"i love you too," he says, voice drowsy and soft.

you smile into his neck as your eyes drift shut, your heart pulsing happily in your chest.

wc: 651
have a great day/night!!💜

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