7. First Time

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I pace the floor, quickly running my hands through my hair, not able to take being trapped inside. "Can I please just go outside? I'm going crazy being stuck in here. I can't take it anymore. How long has it been? A month?" I throw my hands up in the air dramatically. This room feels like it gets smaller and smaller by the second. I've already been in every room in this stone castle, exploring everything there was to explore. The only thing I get from the outside world is the small window watching the sunrise and the sunset. It was late afternoon the sun was getting ready to set behind the green rolling hills. I'm not going to lie it is an extremely beautiful view.

"Two weeks." Lucifer chuckles as he watched me pace while he continued to rock in the brown wooden rocking chair. He has tried his best to keep me happy and entertained by giving me small surprises. "I thought it was going to be two weeks tops! What about my people?"

"You told Lagatha to take over while you were gone. Things are going fine there right now." He said calmly as he reminds me.

"I can't take this any longer. I feel caged up! I need to go outside, feel the breeze on my skin, smell the sweet earthy scent, hear the sound of running water, watch the leaves dance in the wind!" I raise my voice as I continue to freak out.

"That's very poetic. You should write that down." He jokes with me. "Love, it's going to be okay. Tonight, I have a special surprise for you."

"Do I get to go outside?" I stop in my tracks, turning to him. All I want is to go outside, I'm going crazy being locked up in here. He continued rocking as he started chuckling as he watched me. "No, my dear, it's something special for you since I know you hate being inside."

"Ughhhh!" I hit my head against the stone wall. "Can I just plant a garden in here?"

"Sure, whatever you want to do." He shrugged, not caring. I walk away, going down the cold spiraling stone steps to one of the spare rooms. The room was cold and damp, with one small window letting in light. I close my eyes, trying to picture away I can bring in more sunlight for my Garden. I change the stone roof into a giant glass sliding window, making the glass thick so the outside elements will not shatter the window. Once complete, there was more sunlight in the room, making it a little more cheerful. I make a wooden pen boarding the walls before filling it with soil. I plant various flowers and vegetables, causing them to grow to their full potential. I look around the room, seeing it was all brightened up, looking like a proper garden. "Well, it sure does look a lot better than it did." I heard a whistle come from behind me. I turn to see him walk in, looking around the room in awe. "You have a beautiful talent, my beautiful goddess. Although it is missing something, you know just one thing. I expected more. To be honest, I'm kinda shocked you forgot this." He walked over to a small plot making a sunflower shoot up out of the soil. "You're favorite." He turns around with a sweet smile.

"Oh yes." I smile as I watch him standing next to the sunflower as the orange light shown behind him making the perfect view; he looks so aesthetic. "So, my dear, I also have a surprise planned for you since you've been going crazy trapped in here."

"Does it involve going outside?" I try again hoping this time he would agree.

"My dear, we have been over this. You can't go outside due to the danger we are in right now. This place is warded to the max, and no one can get in here and hurt you." He sighs, tired of answering the same question.

"I understand." I look down at the ground. He walks over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders before kissing my neck. "Now, my dear, your surprise is ready." He leads me to the dining room. We walk in, and the table was set so beautifully, with a red table cloth, candles lining the middle, one place setting for me, wine, and the fireplace cracking as it danced on the log in the fireplace. "I thought a nice fancy dinner could cheer you up."

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