-info on you-

34 2 3

(ignore everything but the outfit)

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(ignore everything but the outfit)

( + fingerless, leather gloves )

( - shoes, fur )

( - sword, anything on arms )

( - necklace )

- you don't wear shoes, you wear those tight black socks that don't cover the heels and toes

- doesn't have the necklace with the teeth on it

- same body type (you can add or take away anything you want this is just the base)

- has ring-like things on the belt that hold his brass knuckles

- has ring-like things on the belt that hold his brass knuckles

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     (mix between these two)

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     (mix between these two)

- 5' 4"

- is VERY strong, physically...like, holy shit-

- ate the Love-Love Fruit

          -  when he lets off a certain smell and makes skin-to-skin contact he can 'control' that person because they will temporarily fall in love so deeply they'd cut off their thumbs without a second thought, the more intimate the touch the longer the effect lasts

(zero absolutely hates it)

 - Y/n also has a celestial dragons brand in-between his shoulder-blades

                          -   Y/n was a slave to the celestial dragons from  5-12  but escaped and found his way to Zoro,   unfortunately,  he was branded and doesn't want anyone to know so he keeps a shirt on at all times

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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