Drunk night, Let's go home

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Eyyy I will still randomly update books cuz why not

Don't drink, underaged kids!

Timeskip to ya'll out of school


Asahi Azumane

Asahi was in the kitchen, making dinner while (M/n) was out to see his childhood friends, as he finished the food, he got a call on his phone, he took his phone from the table, he saw (M/n)'s name, quickly answering it.

"Hello?" Asahi answered, "Azu~ heh, a fuck- where is my wallet.." a lazy voice replied to him.

"Wh-" " 'sahi I've been..kidnapped haha.." (M/n) giggled, Asahi heard laughs from the background "uhm, (M/n) sweetie, did you drink with them?" He asked, concerned.




"Hehe-" (M/n) disconnected from the call, surprising Asahi, but soon another call was brought to him, this time, someone else answered it.

"Hello Azumane-san, I'm (M/n)'s friend, he's puking right now.. please pick him up, we're at xxxxxx"

"A-alright, be there in a bit"


"Please hold still (M/n)!"

"Eewhh Asahi I feel si-" (M/n) gagged, Asahi got alerted and led him to the bathroom and almost puking on the bathroom floor.

Asahi sighed in relief, he rubbed (M/n)'s back as he puked, Asahi patted him a bit "I'll get you water sweetie" Asahi stood up and went to get water.

"No~ you're leaving me you cuck-" he went and hurled, Asahi sweatdropped, knowing (M/n) swears a lot drunk.

"i'm..not leaving you" Asahi smiled nervously,

"Fuck...aaaaaah you're leaving me" suddenly, he began to cry, making Asahi troubled again.

Nishinoya Yuu

Noya was walked to the party to pick up (M/n) he didn't bring the car because (M/n) drives and he doesn't, he suddenly got a call from (M/n)

"Yuu, I found a dog! And a cat..Oo a coi-" a sound of the phone falling and the call ending, Noya gasped a bit, he began to run to the place.

He found (M/n) passed out on the sidewalk with the phone on the floor and a bunch of animals sleeping on him.

Noya sigh and went to him, he picked up (M/n)'s phone, quickly groaning, seeing that it was broken, he patted (M/n) on the cheek.

"Oi, (M/n), sweet cheeks, wake up" he kept patting his cheek "I can't carry you like this! Also..why didn't you invite me you prick!" Noya tried to help him up as he slowly awoke from his slumber.

"Yuu..aaa hello" (M/n) lazily got up, Noya groaned, not being able to support him well as he tilt to the side where it wasn't supported.

"Fix yourself, I can't support you very well!" Noya complained as (M/n) did nothing to help him.

It took an hour to get back home, Noya needed a break after carrying a sack of potatoes, much like (M/n).

Goshiki Tsutomu

Goshiki was driving to the party, (M/n) went in a friend's party while Goshiki denied to come with so he could drive him home, he doesn't want to drunk drive and risk their safety.

He drove to a parking space and went to the house, he was given a drunk and barely moving, Goshiki gasped and tried to hold him up, he lightly patted (M/n)'s back "uhm..(M/n) wake up..I can't support you like this.." Goshiki let out a troubled smile.

He got a bit worried when you weren't reacting, he began to shake you a bit "please wake up..!" He sighed, he carried (M/n) why the waist and dragged him to the car, laying him in the backseats, he smiled and patted his head as he hopped in the car.

He began to drive off with you comfortably laying on the backseat, he it was a peaceful silence until..

"AHHHHHH" (M/n) jolted up and screamed, making Goshiki scream as well and quickly drove to the side and stopped the car, he looked at (M/n) with a panicked face "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He stared at (M/n).




"You almost gave me a heart attack..geez"

Kenma Kozume

(M/n) and kenma had decided to drink alcohol in their room, while they play minecraft and on stream.

They had a challenge that one has to drink a shot everytime they loose a health or got hit, it ended...well..


Kenma and (M/n) groaned, they woke up from their chair and sat up properly, kenma was the first to notice that they were still streaming, the chat was going nuts typing out "POGG" "WTF HOW" etc.

They both looked at their screen and saw that they somehow defeated the ender dragon.

But..with a wooden sword and a diamond shovel..? (M/n) only had a stick with him.

Most of their inventory loot was come and only had those items, they asked chat what happened, they quickly ended the stream and re-watched their stream. They laughed and we're amazed with what they did.

Honestly, a true win for both.

Tanaka Ryuunosuke

(Very short)

Both were invited to a drink hard party, they drank and ate a lot like expected, tanaka had danced with (M/n) drunkenly.

They woke up to a massive hangover, they realized that they were both still in the house, on the floor, near the kitchen, they saw other people passed out as well, they waited for their hangover to subdue, they quickly took a few food items from the person whom started the party and ran off with it.

"Oh hell yeah"

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