Like nothing happened.

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~Kayden's PoV~

"What's with you?" I said walking angrily towards Siera as she and her friends laughed at Gwen. She turned to me with a smirk playing in her lips. She pushed my shoulder playfully and I wiped away her touch in disgust.

She rolled her eyes at my gesture. "Oh, don't be such a fun sponge. It was an accident."

"Sure and forcing her was an accident too?" I scoffed.

"Kayddy, babe." She purred and I turned my head slightly so she wouldn't see me gag. "Don't you want to see what she's hiding. She can't be that pretty or THAT ugly. I've never see a good looking nerd."

"She's not a nerd and what's under her hood is none of your business."

"What is she? Your new girlfriend or something? You don't even know what she looks like." She scoffed.

"You fugly rat." I heard behind me and I immediately latched onto Amelia as she lunged towards Siera, ready to attack.

"Oh no. The kangaroo has gone wild again. Save me. I'm so fucking scared." She said sarcastically waving her hands around before her and her friends started laughing. She turned to me. "You shouldn't let foreigners into your group Kayddy. They might just stab you in the back."

"Aren't you from Costa Rica?" One of her friends pointed out.

"Shut up Paisley!" She yelled, pushing her friend before turning back to me. I smiled at her.

"It's a good thing I don't like you, then." I said and she scoffed before I pulled Amelia out of the cafeteria.

"What. A. Bitch." She huffed, dusting herself off when I let her go. She grabbed onto my wrist as she pulled me down the hall. "Let's go find Gwen."

"But Gwen said—"

"Gwen's chance of making it through the year without friends alive are pretty slim now and she's so sweet. If she actually makes friends their torcher her and I won't let that happen."

I didn't argue. When Amelia got here two years ago, Siera and her Zapadies took advantage of Amelia's athleticism and forced her into cheerleading. Since Amelia was 99% sugar and everything nice and 1% spice she never said anything. That was until Kaycee flipped a switch in her and the cheerleaders became no more for the whole of last year.

Nothing good happens when that 1% of spice is in the spotlight.

On our way to the front office, we bumped into Chris, Eathan and Kaycee. Chris had his ear on the girls' bathroom door, while Kaycee had her hands over her face because Eathan was changing his shirt in the hallway.

"There's a bathroom three feet away if you need privacy." I pointed out, pointing at the boys' bathroom.

He ignored my statement and pulled his new shirt on. "Clear." He said and Kaycee removed her hands from her red face. "Cute." He smile pinching her cheeks and she slapped his hands away, pouting at him.

"Have you seen Gwen?" Amelia asked.

"She's been in the bathroom for five minutes now. She won't let Kay in so I'm waiting her out."

Eathan's sighed and I rolled my eyes at him. I'm getting tired of his attitude. I'm this close to pulling that stick out of his ass and shoving it down his throat.

"This again."

"Fuck you, Eathan. Gwen just got here and she's already having a hard time. Nobody even knows her. What is that?"

"She should have taken a shower before she got to school."

"You have never complained about her smell until now. You've just been bitching about some drawing she made of you—" Mid sentence, he dug into his bag and pulled out a piece of folded up piece of paper, shoving it in her face. She took and opened it, her eyes widening at the impressive sketch of us dead in my room. Kay came to look over her shoulder and her eyebrows instantly shot up.

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