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He Tian: Hey.

He Tian is inviting you to a video call


Mo Guan Shan rejects video call

Mo Guan Shan: ...Mo Guan Shan is typing


He Tian: Mo~ don't ignore me~


⇄ ¥300

Mo Guan Shan: ACCEPTED

¥300 ✓

Mo Guan Shan: The fuck you want. I'm working.

He Tian: Lil Mo~

He Tian: Mo~ I might die soon..

???Mo Guan Shan: What's wrong

He Tian: I'm starving. I don't have food~Come over and feed me, Lil Mo~

Mo Guan Shan: ...Mo Guan Shan is typing

.Mo Guan Shan: Spoiled dick. Pay me double

"Hmm, it smells delicious, " He Tian peaked over Mo's shoulder. He pressed the edge of his sharp chin on Mo's shoulder causing the redhead to wince at the sudden discomforting pressure.

He Tian instantly pulled on a pout upon seeing what was on the stove. He wasn't happy at the amount of vegetables Mo put in his dinner.

"Don't be a child, He Tian. Eat your veggies. Your body needs it." Mo Guan Shan took off his apron when he was done setting up the table.

Mo's auburn irises twitched and He Tian noticed just how much the redhead avoided leering towards his naked upper half.

"Can't you at least put on something?" Mo shifted the focus of his vision elsewhere and refused to look at He Tian who had his puckish grin plastered on his face.

The giddying scent of He Tian's body soap with a hint of vitalizing, nose-tingling citrus bergamot and soothing lavender still lingered and exuded from He Tian's moisturised skin that it made Mo dizzy.

The taller hunk just came out of his shower when Mo arrived at his doorstep. It would be stupid to say that He Tian didn't notice just how exhausted his Mo was after the part-time shift ended. Yet, he couldn't help it. He knew he was being selfish but he wanted to be with Mo Guan Shan today more than anything.

Mo on the other hand, couldn't refuse the handsome fee He Tian laid on the table if he agreed to come and fix his dinner. As Mo arrived, he merely knocked twice before deciding to leave since He Tian didn't answer him. But hell, it was just in a matter of seconds when He Tian managed to grab on his hands and dragged him inside that Mo stumbled on his feet.

"Aw, are you being bashful, Lil' Mo? I thought you are used to seeing my half-naked body already?" He Tian snickered. He stood with hands crossed, mischievous silvery orbs scanned across Mo's expressions which now gleamed in supposed embarrassment.

"Bullshit." Mo ignored the hunk and proceeded to scoop the meal just enough into one of the plates and shoved it onto the table.

"Now, if you'll excuse me." Mo was about to turn his heels, intending to leave after the chores when He Tian reached for his arm, deterring him from doing so.

"Hey, won't you keep me company? I don't fancy eating alone." He Tian caressed Mo's cheek with his charming, pleading eyes. Of course, Mo had no choice but to comply.

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