Chapter one: Mondays

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It was a sunny day in the city of New York. Most residents were still sipping their morning brews of coffee whilst being informed of the world around them through their boxy screens. The city felt alive, birds were chirping in central park whilst cars were buzzing away on the busy roads. The newspapers expressed their excitement about a new department store opening on 44th street whilst further up, humanity took another step into space. In short, life was great.

As the resident of New York had found for the past month, not everything stays great. the ground roared to life and growled an ear aching rumble, Pots of coffee shook violently as the fourth earthquake this month rambled away. But everyone knew what came after the earthquake.

Another rumble came after the prior one, but this was not the same. A blue light seeped through the cracks of the roads and out roared a sight of unfathomable horror. A glowing blue creature covered in a thick shell of ice emerged from the ground. What had been labelled as an Ice Slug had once again struck the Concrete Jungle.

The ice slug slithered along the streets of New York unaware that two miles away a large grey triple S chopper was gradually approaching the beast. Aboard the chopper, a sixteen-year-old girl with dark crimson flowing hair wearing a tight black and grey suit gave what she thought was a good speech to four fifteen-year old's. One of the teenagers had golden brown locks flowing from buns on the top of her head and past her shoulders. She was chewing a piece of pink gum whilst thinking about other things.

Standing next to her was a shy boy, in fact, the only boy in the group, with dark brown hair and an observant look written plainly across his face he was thinking about what the young squad captain had to say.

Beside him stood a girl with thin blond hair and an attitude of steel rolling her eyes as the squad captain stumbled through her obviously rehearsed speech. The blonde-haired girl was heavily unmotivated and thinking about how she wanted to blow something up. Finally, there was a girl who had black greasy hair and an expression that said nothing. She, like the boy, was also thinking about what the squad captain had to say, though was interpreting it in her own way, hoping to get an opportunity to impress her peers. Each of the young agents had shiny metallic briefcases at their feet.

"Okay agents, the city is depending on us, so make sure to stick to your assigned tasks", Audrey decided to start with a motivating line that slightly hinted at the fact that if they lost, the city would be in deep danger of having itself turned in to a  glacier.

"Make sure that pathetic excuse for a living creature doesn't get to the city centre and try to do it with haste, it's broad daylight, and we don't want witnesses, snipers," she said pointing to two men sitting on the edge of the chopper dangling their legs over the side, "tranquillize any bystanders that may happen to witness us, Kati, she said looking at the fourth agent make sure you chase down any runners and give the snipers an easy shot shouted Plasma. Everyone else you know what to do!"

They were now above the fast-moving ice oddity and the pilot yelled from the cockpit, 

"above drop-sight captain!" 

Plasma, a bit anxious turned back to the agents, "right...uh, get a move on!"

The agents all picked up their briefcases in the way that a small businessman would before starting their day convincing prey to buy their products. One by one they all jumped out of the chopper everyone except Plasma. The agent watched as her squad jumped out hoping for everything to suddenly turn into slow motion, she had butterflies this was either the worst or best part of a mission, she hadn't decided yet. She picked up her briefcase like the others, gripping it with sweat. This isn't the time she kept on repeating to herself picking apart the words and putting them back together. 

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