Play to damn much

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Mattia: I'm just playing calm down
Y/n: Oh, ok sorry
Mattia: Can we cuddle though
Y/n: Sure, but I have a question? *Mattia is wrapping his arms around you*
Mattia: What is it ma?
Y/n: What are we
Mattia: idk...
Y/n: Do you even like me or are you just using me?
Mattia: I do like you
Y/n: Then what are we because I-I... I love you so much and I know we just meet but I like you so much.
Mattia: I Like you too
Y/n: Aww you can be so cute when you want to
Mattia: Yeah Yeah
3 weeks later
You have gotten closer with everybody their so nice and sweet you snuck out of Mattias room because you were hungry and was about to order some ox tails form a Jamaican restaurant near the mall. As you were walking down the stairs and heard moaning, groaning and skin clapping. It was mar and Chicago 😃
Y/n: Can u too stop fucking on the couch
Mar: No now leave so I can finish
Chicago: Gurl gooooooooooooooo
Y/n: Ain't got to ask me twice
You go up to your room and order the food as you were about to watch vampire diaries you got an idea to prank tia so you go in your closet take your clothes off and put on nothing but a lace black robe on you then walk sneaking in setting up the camera up and crawling back in his bed he instantly wrapped his arms around your body then says
Tia: Where were you ma*he said in his morning voice*
Y/n: I went to order some food
Tia: Oh ok
You then start rubbing on him and kiss his neck. He spoke
Tia: Chill baby
Y/n: No
Tia: Stop before you start something you can't finish.
Y/n: Make Me
He smirked and started kissing on your neck finding your sweet spot as he starts sucking on it you try your hardest not to moan. You then moan out it's a prank he keeps going he then gets on top off and.
A/n: That's all folks sorry it's takes me a while to update but I am such a procrastinator and I get distracted easily so I forget but I'll try to post every weekend or when I can.
Go eat or drink if you haven't as always love you 😘

Kidnapped by one crazy mf M.PWhere stories live. Discover now