Y/n: Yes There was a long silence and then she said. M/m: When you do, please promise me you'll protect them with everything you have. This shocked you but also left you puzzled you take Mrs. polibio upstairs to your room where you pick out pjs for both of you because Mattia told you too and to go tell Kairi code 7 and cut all the lights out then go into his office got to the book labeled life and tilt it down slightly and take everyone with me.
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We soon hear banging on the door and glass break I see more room, so I take one Ms. P then Brooklyn, Chicago, Clover, Honey, Mariano, Kairi, Alvaro, Alejandro, and Roshaun. we moved things quietly against the door until we heard footsteps destroying the office and banging against the wall I was holding onto Alvaro because I was scared, and I felt safe around him plus he is my best friend. Then there was a voice that yelled. The voice: Where's that bitch of Mattia's I hug Alvaro tighter as tears fall down my face, he wraps his arms around me and whisper everything's going to be ok. I shake my head then a gunshot goes off 4 times then hear movement in front of the book case then it opens the boards we put up we knocked over and they saw us the guys grab me but Alvaro pulled me back on him until they started grabbing everybody they slammed us on the floor and asked who is Mattia's girlfriend nobody moved and then he pulled his gun out and cocked back I quickly say me he turns around and says I knew it as he grabs me by my hair and drags me away. I scream for help, but he slaps me I try to fight but then I see Mattia on the ground bleeding with two gunshot wounds on his shoulder and Lower abdomen. I shove the man and run straight for Mattia crying he says. Mattia: Baby I love you, and I need you to stay safe ok. Y/n: I love you too bubs, please don't leave me Mattia: I'm sorry ma I tried Y/n: I forgot to take the plan b *Whispers* Mattia: *Smiles* and says take care of our baby ok Y/n: Okay I'll remind it of you all the time The man: Times up love birds You two kiss and say your final goodbyes as your about to get up Mattia slaps you on your ass and says I love you guys. You turn around and wave as you get pulled away into a van with the rest of the gang. As your driving away you hear 17 gunshots fired. You bust out crying while everyone comforts you. All I can remember is that this is the day I lost the love of my life. A/n: I hope you have like and if you guys think I'm copying from another book I'm not I just got inspired by it I will leave the @at the bottom to give credit for the inspiration. Go eat or drink if you haven't already, and I hope to catch you in the next one ✌🏽.