A Patronus & A Dementor

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A man strolled down the unoccupied pathway, relishing in the silence the air carried. It helped him escape things his mind didn't want to dwell upon. The background looked dull, almost monochromatic, not that he cared. His own life lacked colours, colours that never wanted to paint his blank canvas.

He found himself walking towards a familiar opening, tall trees and large bushes grew along the small path. He always found himself walking down the same route when he wanted to run away from the things that gave him a head-on or when he wanted to clear his mind.

Life seemed fine for people excluding him, but he knew it was a mask they wished to wear, to appear as if their lives were going on well.

As a child, Sinjae never got the love he was supposed to from either of parents. One died giving birth and the other never wanted to acknowledge the fact that he was his son, his own blood.

His father, the one who demanded he call him master, wanted him to keep his identity under wraps. He was forbidden from speaking about his relationship with his father to anyone. The only one that knew about the father-son relationship was his own best friend, Eunsup. He once caught Eunsup eavesdropping on their conversation and had requested him to not tell a soul about his hearings.

The black man, that's all he ever was. People were terrified by men like him, always scurrying away, keeping a safe distance. He wasn't treated a human, no. All he could feel when he was surrounded by people was their constant fear and nothing more. A normal life, that was what Sinjae always wished to have, to laugh, to cry, to hurt and to smile. But no, he was not gifted, not gifted to be born as a normal man.

A small pond came into view, encircled by large trees. Wild flowers and grass rimmed the pond, the cold wind causing little waves on the surface. Not far from the pond stood an old banyan tree, with a huge form, aerial prop roots, thick and woody, hanging from the branches that got tangled.

It was a sight to the sore eyes, though the background was drained out of colour. Sinjae strode up to the massive trunk, his fingers reaching out to touch the familiar rough patches of the bark. There was a feeling he grew, a feeling that had him sway with the spirits of nature. He closed his eyes to memorize the picturesque sight of the tree that brought peace and tranquility to his mind. He savored the time he always spent near the banyan, for he knew his time of life was nearing an end.

"I knew I'd find you here."

A smile crept up Sinjae's face upon hearing the familiar voice. He turned around to find Eunsup, his best friend, standing there not more than 10 yards. The man who believed in him, saw him as not less than any human, showed him the respect he deserved. It was him, Eunsup, who provided him with the love he longed for. Too simple yet complicated was the fact Sinjae had always been in love with his best friend. Eunsup was blinded completely by their friendship to not realize Sinjae's feelings of love.

"I shouldn't have shown this place to you."

"And why's that might I ask?"

"You never let me be, though I can't seem to complain of you."

"I go where you go, Sinjae. What's bothering your mind anyway? You never come here if there isn't something bugging."

Sinjae found himself standing in front of his best friend who he'd fallen for. He plopped onto the ground, pulling Eunsup with him, grass prickling his bottom.

"Not anything you don't know of, Eunnie. Do not fret, I am well. I came to enjoy all this here."

"Enjoy, you say? Why do you sound like this is going to be your last visit to this place?"

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