방탄: Unknown Number

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방탄: Unknown Number..

May tumawag sayong Unknown Number...

UNKNOWN : Hi, do you have a boyfriend ?

YOU: Yeah.

UNKNOWN : So you have a boyfriend. Its your dad. I'm coming so that you'll tell me when you grew horns!

Pagkaraan ng 5 minutes, may tumawag ulit sayong Unknown number..

UNKNOWN : Hi, do you have a boyfriend ?

YOU : None.

UNKNOWN : I see you don't love me. I'm your boyfriend.

YOU: Oh Sweet heart, I love you. I thought it was my stupid Dad!

UNKNOWN : It's not your boyfriend. It's still your dad, just wanted to confirm you really have one.Wait for me! I'm on my way!!

*featuring JHope as your father wahaaha..

Hyungie_Unnie ♥

BTS SCENARIOSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon