The Engagement

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'O that I were a glove upon that hand,
that I might touch that cheek!'

Friday Morning

"What did you say?!"
And it was Tul's turn to nearly lose control of the car.
"I said I like you," Max smiled, suddenly feeling all the weight on his shoulders dissolving.
"Aisshhh... and I thought my first confession would be in a romantic setting somewhere," Tul whined.
Making Max laughed out loud.
That was a rebuttal he truly did not expect.
It was also the first time Max ever seen him whine.
And it was the cutest thing ever.
His whole face scrunched up like a child who just droped his lollipop.
"Awww... why are you so cute, naaa?" Max grinned and ruffled Tul's hair again, "I can retract it and repeat later, if you want?"
He never thought a serious confession could take a comedic route like this.
"No," Tul quickly said, taking Max hand from his head to his heart, "you can repeat but don't retract."

They really should have been surprised at how easy this was, but their bonding the past weeks have somewhat prepared them for such a conversation.
With no angst, no drama whatsoever.
Still, as much as Tul anticipated from this trip, he did not expect such as an early declaration.
And he seriously thought it would have been him who broke it gently to Max.
Not the other way around.
So, having Max to declare it first was like a dream come true for Tul.

"Ok, won't retract," Max grinned again.
Especially at how his hand was cozily wrapped within Tul's.
Even though they were dangerously placed at the meeting point of Tul's muscular upper thighs.
Luckily Max was quickly distracted by Tul's query.
The man wanted to be sure.
"Mebbe it's just extreme bromance you're feeling," he asked, not daring to look at Max, yet tightening his grip on the latter's hand.
"Does bromance include wanting to jump your bro," Max said in chagrin, "or having hard ons at every smile."
"Geez," Tul briefly turned to look at Max, again at the unexpected response, "should I be scared? Where am I sleeping tonight?"
Tul asked, trying to lighten the situation.
"Shut up," Max laughed again, turning the palm in Tul's hand to lace their fingers together.
Max thought his heart burst with happiness at that moment.

It was true what Tul's mae said - 'dont look to hard, or you won't find what you're looking for.'
Without realising, Max was looking.
He came from a loving family.
His parents' bond was his relationship goals.
And he has been trying to find the right girl.
Day after day; night after night.
To the extent people branded him as a player.
Yet he did not find her.
Because he was looking wrongly.
What he should have looked for was... the right one.
And not necessarily a 'her'.
He should have looked for his right person - with no gender caveat in his search.
And he at last found it.
In Tul Pakorn.
So, confessing that he liked Tul somehow freed him from the shackles of society that previously dictated whom his right one should be.

But if Max thought nothing could top his feelings at the moment, he was wrong.
Because after a short impasse, he heard Tul say, "I like you too."
And he took Max's hand to his lips, giving it a lingering kiss before laying it down again.
Max returned the smile and jokingly asked, "like bros?"
"Like bros," Tul nodded.
"Oh?" Max did not expect the U-turn, feeling disappointed.
Serves you right for asking, he chastised himself.
"But more," Tul smiled cheekily.
And they both laughed, simply because they could.
Tightening their entwined fingers even more.
"Wait seriously," Max asked after a while, "this is really your first confession ever?"
Again Tul's enigmatic smile.
His eyes hidden by the visors.
"Well..." Tul replied, "the first one that really means something."
"I hate you!"


Friday Afternoon

They arrived at their destination at around lunch time.
About two hours before that, Max took over the wheels as they drove off the highway, onto the smaller streets and up the higher grounds.
As the scenery became more mountainous, the air became more chilly despite it being in mid afternoon.
When Tul thought they came to a dead end at the top of nowhere, Max went through what looked like a secret passage and onto an off-road trail.
"It's a bit rough from here on," Max cautioned.
"That was cool," Tul said in wonder, "this road is practically hidden."
"Wait til you get to the village," Max grinned, happy that Tul was enjoying the excursion, "this is nothing compared to where we're heading."
After about 45 minutes through the darken dirt road and woody surrounding, they came to a clearing and the sun began to peak again.
And the view that greeted them beyond the passage, nearly took Tul's breath away.
"Wow... it's Shangri-la..." he whispered in wonder.
And it was.

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