Bonus Chapter

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August 21, 2016. Malfoy Manor
"Cass? I think that's not how it goes." Scorpius said nervously, eyeing his twin sister that was trying to get the oven work.

"Oh hush, I know what I'm doing. Oh and by the way, I invited Rose over I hope you don't mind."

"Nah it's fine." But after a few minutes Scorpius started to worry.

"Cass, I think the setting is too high. You might want to lower it down a bit."

"Do you want it faster or not?"

"Well personally I like it hard—ouch!" Clutched his side with his arms.

"How do you know what's that like?"


"When did you lose it?" Cassie asked her twin seriously.

"I—" Scorpius stuttered to answer, oh no scary sister. He bolted for the door.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy! You come back here right now!" Cassie chased Scorpius around the house dodging furniture and house elves.

"WHEN DID YOU LOSE IT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! I'M YOUR SISTER! YOU BUFFOON!" Cassie yelled at his brother while trying to reach him and grab him.

Scorpius hit something hard the made Cassie stop in her tracks.

"Hey dad!" Cassie greeted him with sweetness.

"Hello dear, now what did I tell you about yelling?" Just as he finished his sentence, Hermione came down the stairs with her mop of hair on top of her head, you'll see the glint of platinum blonde highlights in it.

"Yeah, I heard something along the lines of 'when did you lose it' or something, what did he lose Cassie?" Hermione asked, Scorpius gave a warning glare to his twin who just smirked, but it fell immediately.

"Scorpius! The cookies!" The twins rushed to the kitchen, just in time to take the cookies out.

"Thank Merlin." Cassie sighed, taking a bit of her cookie.

"That smells good." Draco came inside the kitchen, Cassie offered him one which he happily obliged.

"Now tell us what did you guys lose, maybe we can help you find it." Draco said willingly.

Cassie smirked at his brother, "I'm not the one who's supposed to tell you that, he is." Cassie pointed to her brother that was trying to cower away from the scene.

"Scorpius? Is there something you want to tell us?" Hermione asked as she entered the room, grabbing a cookie and taking a bite.

"Scorp if you told me earlier it wouldn't come to this." Cassie said smugly.

"Tell us already, I'm sleepy as fuck." Draco muttered softly against Hermione's neck.

"Save the PDA for the bedroom dad."

"Ok umm, I—" A loud crack of apparition cut Scorpius of what he was going to say.

"I smell cookies!" A very familiar voice exclaimed, and soon Rose Weasley came barreling in the kitchen. Rose spotted Scorpius immediately and turned red.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Salazar! It's so obvious! Dad! Mum! AHHH!" Cassie ran out the room weirdly and never came back.

"What was that all about?" Draco asked.

"Draco, I love you but your a fucking dumbass." Hermione said, annoyance evident in her tone.

"Mean woman." Draco muttered.

"Don't worry Scorp, I lost mine when I was thirteen. You're good." Draco's eyes widened in saucers.

"That's why she went crazy! Good job my son, although couldn't you have lost it sooner? Ouch woman!" Draco held his side and groaned in pain.

"I thought you had enough of groaning last night?" Hermione teased him, "Guess not though." Hermione pulled her bun out of her hair, and walked upstairs.

"Oh no you don't." Draco followed Hermione upstairs, leaving Scorpius and Rose alone.

"I guess were all alone now." Scorpius said seductively, Rose rolled her eyes at this.

"I guess I know where you get your flirtatiousness." Rose said before pulling him down for a kiss.

Ok this is just a filler mostly, but I hoped you enjoyed it! Stay safe guys!

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