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Summary: Due to his admin powers Dream always got dangerously sick as a child. Still, he never had to endure them alone, Phil and Techno always keeping him alive.

Now alone in prison the Dreamons separation bringing the sickness back he can't help but wonder if he'll survive this one. Will anyone save him?

Dream was curled up in the corner of his cold lonely cell. His body shivered with cold as he panted in pain. The sharp edges of obsidian dug into his side as he twitched in another spell of pain coursed through his veins.

Dream should have recognized the signs earlier. He was no stranger to the symptoms of his "episodes" as he called it.

The exhaustion and the strange tingling sensation in his chest before the inevitable fever and breathtaking pain that spread through his body.

It was something he was familiar with. As a child, he always got this weird sickness. It left him bedridden for weeks and at the beginning, months. The first time it had happened was when he was 11 and visiting Techno when he had suddenly passed out.

Dream never really remembered the episodes outside of pain and hazy voices, but Techno had told him that Phil hadn't known what to do. They had thought he would die, at first they thought it was just exhaustion or flu. But then Dream didn't get better, the pain would spread, the fever got worse and then he started to cough blood, and one day he just didn't wake up.

Phil had stayed up as long as he could reading every book he could find, trying all kinds of potions but with no use.

Phil had had to go to the end to talk to one of the end Gods to beg for help. The God told him it was because Dream's admin powers were strong, his body was trying to balance it out but it hurt. The episodes wouldn't be forever but for now, there wasn't much that could be done.

There he got himself a recipe for medicine and instructions on how to help Dream. Phil had rushed home to mix the medicine for extremely weak Dream. It had taken months for Dream to recover.

They hoped for it not to come back. But it did. Again. And again. And again. Every few times a year it would come out of the blue and even with the medicine, he would still suffer through the pain and the fever. Still, Techno was always there for him trying to comfort him and keep him company while Phil always made sure he stayed alive.

Sickness was always a dangerous rulet with the respawning cycle. It wasn't considered an accident or a kill and still, it wasn't considered a natural cause either. There was always a big chance the system would get it wrong and a life would permanently be lost.

Dream had the episodes till he was 18 when it stopped. Maybe that's why he never expected to have to suffer through it again. He was sure it was because of the Dreamon. The cruel entity had been sucking on Dream's power as it ruined his life, his friendships, and his home. Now he was stuck in an isolated inhumane box his powers trying to stabilize once more.

Dream groans in pain as he curls up tighter into himself. The symptoms were progressing quicker than normal. He had never done this alone before and he felt scared. Would anybody notice? Would anybody help him?

Nobody had come to visit him after Tommy. Part of him always wished maybe Techno or Phil would come. Not even to free him but just to see. He longed for company, hated the voices in his head repeating the promises they've told him.

"I'll always be you're best friend"

"Son, I'll always be there for you"

"You're not alone I promise"

"I'll be here"

Hated how the promises started to feel like lies every time a day passed. Part of him can't blame him. Despite his tries, Dreamon had tried his best to ruin their friendship.

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