The Return

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It had been nearly a year since James had last seen Tula. Nine and a half months to be exact. He watched as the three pigs fought over the little patch of mud in front of their pen. When he had gotten home the pigs were skinny and dismal, he was glad they were squealing and lively again. Bending down, he picked up the bucket of leftovers and tipped it into their food trough, wrinkling his nose at the smell. He has lived his whole life on this farm, but the only thing he could not get used to was the smell of week old leftovers. The three pigs raised their heads and sniffed the air, before racing in a frenzy towards the trough.

Checking that off his list he realized that he had completed his morning chores and made his way inside for some breakfast. The house was small, but cozy; kept warm during the winter with logs burning in the fireplace. As he stepped through the small wooden door, he was greeted by the delicious smell of his mother's oatmeal. He entered the small kitchen to see his mother already setting his food on the table. When she saw him her face lighted up with a smile and she ushered him in.

"Is it alright for you to be up and about?" He worried, sitting down in front of his warm plate of food with a cup of water.

"Oh, you know that a couple of sips of medicine, and a few sessions with the doctor, and I'm as good as knew!" She breathed with a smile, sitting next to him at the table with her own food. He knew it was true. Not a month after his return, his mother was out of bed, as if her close experience with death had never happened. And it was all thanks to Tula.  The money she had given him had not only gotten him the best medicine around, but also two visits from a renown doctor. He still had much of the money left and he kept it safe in a small tin box underneath his bed, on the off chance that Tula would come back for it. 

James was still grateful to Tula, and not a day has passed that he hadn't wondered where she might be. Arriving at Tarinia after his and Sillia's close escape from Vendigard's hideout, it was already well into the night. James had finally built up the courage to open his hand and see what Tula had placed in it. It was Vendigard's ring. He had traded it for twenty Quinz at the Black-List hunter building with a large pit in his stomach, knowing that he was taking what was rightfully Tula's. The Hunters there had been quite skeptical that a kid like him and a blind woman could take down someone like Vendigard. But after checking the validity of the ring and listening to his story, they had accepted it and handed him the money. They even sent some Hunters to check out the scene.

James and Sillia waited impatiently for the search party's return. They came back almost a full day later with the remaining prisoners they had found in the dungeon and a couple of wanted men that had escaped Tula's blade. Tula herself was nowhere to be seen. The Hunters then proceeded to give him another twenty-five Quinz for the other wanted men that she had killed and left him alone with Sillia.

After three long days of waiting, James had soon understood that Tula would not return to him. He also soon realized that Sillia had no place to go after the death of her husband. So, with money weighing his pockets, and a promise that he would not go back for Tula weighing his heart, he had returned home to his mother with Sillia.

The kitchen door groaned open and his grandmother walked in, leading Sillia gently by the arm. His grandmother carried a basket of herbs and edible plants she had obviously been collecting and Sillia held a scarf she had been knitting. James and his mother welcomed them in and soon all four sat around the table eating a warm, light breakfast.

James was still surprised at how easily Sillia had become a part of the family. And a great asset at that. Not only did she help around the house and in the farm, she also seemed to have a knack for knitting and weaving, which his mother and grandmother had put to great use. How a blind woman could weave such beautiful baskets and knitt such intricate clothes was still a mystery to James, but he was glad for it. Now with a steady income from the farm, his grandmother's herbs, and Sillia's creations, he could stash the rest of Tula's money, he already felt bad for taking it in the first place, and at least this way he wouldn't spend it all. 

He was almost finished with his meal when a loud knock was heard at the door. His mother began to stand, but he stopped her and went over to the door instead. His mind reeled as he approached it, his hopes rising in his heart. Could it be Tula? he wondered. He wished. He hoped. As he slowly turned the doorknob and pulled the door open, the disappointment was clearly visible on his face. The cheery round face of his neighbour beamed at him, and he tried his best to smile back, failing miserably. It was always like this. Every knock on the door, every black cloak in a crowd, everything made him think of Tula.

"How've you been?" his neighbour, Mr. Grant, asked when James said nothing to greet him. James snapped out of his thoughts and answered as nicely as possible, trying to keep the frustration out of his voice.

"Oh, hello Mr. Grant, we've been great, how are you?" 

"We've been having a great harvest actually, I've brought over some milk for ya'll to try!" he said cheerfully, thrusting a large wooden bucket forward, the white liquid inside swishing dangerously. James took it gratefully and bid his neighbour goodbye before returning to the kitchen with a heavy heart. His family looked up expectantly as he entered, but he merely shook his head slightly and they went back to their food, trying to change the subject.

As he handed the milk over to his mother James knew that a part of his heart will always be waiting for Tula's return. As long as he knew that she was alive, James will continue to wait. Forever.


Wohooooooo, finished the last chapter! Finally!

Vote, Fan, Comment if you liked the story!

P.S. there will be a second book to this, but it probably won't be up for a while since I'm going to be working on another story.

Thanks for all your support xoxoxo

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