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It was a busy evening . I went home at 1:00 am and all I remember doing is crashing into the bed.
I woke up with a ring on my phone. Before checking it I checked the time.. it was 3am. Okay, midnight random calls freak me out. It was Rahul.
" Hello" I said half-asleep.
"Hey what are your plans for tonight?"
" Sleeping , what else."
" Oh shut up, it's Sunday, I am gonna get you drunk."
" You know I don't drink"
" Well not yet!!"
" I have back to back meetings"
" Cancel them!!!!!!!!"
" I cannot rahul, maybe next time"
" I won't be getting this chance again. Mom and dad are not home , so I can return being wasted. By the way I'm not gonna drink if you are."
" Then I won't get drunk either"
" No, no you don't understand. If I drink then how will take care of you,........... please?"
" Okay, lemme see what I can do about the meetings. Is it going to be at one of our home or at a bar?" I wouldn't have given up that easily if I wasn't half asleep then. Ughhhh!
"Of course at a bar. And do you mind if I invite some of my friends?"
" So you are telling me I am gonna get drunk for the first time in front of a bunch of your friends"
" Kinda like that, but don't worry, I'll be there , I'll take care of you, it'll be fun. I've seen this shy, serious loner ryka , and now I wanna see the wild side. Please?"
" Okay okay, I'll see what i can do"
" Cool, have a good night, byeee"
He cut the call but my phone was still on my ears cause I fell asleep.
At morning, a knock at the door woke me up.
I got up to check who it was. Rahul. Looking all fresh. " Good morning, you here?!"
" You are still sleeping?"
" Yeah why?"
" It's already 9"
"Shit!!! But anyways I feel sick and my head is bursting with pain so I don't feel like going to office"
"Ohh so you are rehearsing your excuses for office. Nice try." He winked.
" No seriously!!"
" Come here" he commanded and put his hand against my forehead to check the temperature .
" God!!! You are hot as hell. Why didn't you call me?"
" I just realised it....I didn't check"
" Come with me"
He dragged me to the bedroom and made me lie down. " Don't you move" he ordered and went somewhere.My head was hurting so much.
He brought a bowl of warm water, a piece of well folded cloth and some medicines.
He kept soaking the cloth in water and putting it on my head for over 15 minutes and then I took the medicines.
" Lemme call Sinan and tell that we won't be coming" he said typing something.
" Ohh no no, I'll be fine by evening"
" No you won't, even If you do, you need rest. You do know right, that you are I'll because of restlessness?".
" But you said we won't be getting this chance again!!" I said disappointed.
He gave a strange stare.
" You really need to shut up!!!"
I did.
" You wanna lie down?" I asked him.
" Will you let me?" He mocked
" Of course I will" .
" Move over"
He laid by my side and turned towards me. There was a different kind of tension going on.
" Does your head still hurts?" He whispered.
" A bit yeah"
" I think you should sleep it off" I now realised how close he is lying to me, I can feel his breath on my neck. I literally got goosebumps. He closed my eyes with his palm. I didn't sleep I just pretended to. I could sense that he was staring at me. 20 minutes passed until he said, " you're awake, ain't you?".
I smiled with my eyes closed and then looked back at him. " I can't sleep" I whispered.
" And why is that??!!!??"
" No reason"
I could now sense his breath on my face and so does he I supposed.
The attraction was so strong that my lips touched his. We kissed!!!... It's hard to put them in words. I was being ambivalent. It got a bit weird for me after the kiss but the smile he gave after washed it all.
When he's around I am a whole different person. I can just be Myself with him,
All this time, I didn't have a company but now I have the best one🤍

He is the star of my silent nights, the sunshine of my rainy days and the cool breeze of my scorching days.

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