Spin the bottle/ Truth or dare

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(No ones pov:)

"Any of you wanna play spin the bottle?" Geoff asked.

"No!-" Heather yelled but then got cut off by Chris

"Yes everyone would love to play! This isn't called total drama for no reason!" Chris snapped

"This sucks." Courtney groaned

"It won't be bad, babe." Duncan told her

"I'm not your 'babe'!" Courtney snapped.

"Mhm whatever you say princess" He smirked

"Alright yall grab towels or something and lets sit down a circle!" Geoff cheered

He grabbed an empty beer bottle and placed it down waiting for everyone to settle down.

"Alright dudes, whos going first?" Geoff asked. Everyone started to look at Heather. "What?" She asked.

"I think Heather should go first." Leshawna said with a smirk

"Yeah." Gwen nodded

Everyone agreed but her.

"Ugh fine!" Heather snapped.

"I love it when your mad, mi amor." Alejandro said to the girl.

"I hate you all." She span the bottle and it landed on cody, 

Noah's eyes winded. What?! She can't kiss Cody!  he thought.

"This is only for the game Cody." She pecked him in the cheek

"Ew gross, gross, gross!" Heather said right after kissing him.

"Ew. Just gross." Cody muttered.

"You know what? Thats enough for the night I'm going" Courtney said while standing up and walking there, until someone stopped her.

"Please stay.." Duncan begged.

She looked at him and sighed. "Fine.." She walked back and sat down with the others.


"What just happened-" Geoff asked.

"Eh I don't know, and I don't really care" Noah said with a shrug

"Erm.. cool i guess?." Geoff said "Well I don't think spin the bottle is working out.." Geoff  muttered.

"You think?!" Alejandro yelled

"Maybe we can play tooth or deer!" Lindsay exclaimed with a bright smile

Tyler smiled back. "Lindsay it's truth or dare, but sure!" 

"About time that Lindsiot actually comes up with something interesting." Heather said with a rude tone.

"Watch yo mouth daddys girl." Leshawna snapped. "Don't get all into my skin right now." She scoffed. 

"Whatever" Heather muttered

"Courtney truth or dare?" Geoff asked.

"Dare." She said

"Okay! I dare you to eat green jell-" Courtney interupted Geoff real fast.

"Uhm- Truth! I meant truth!" She said nervously "Yeah..- Truth!" Courtney said while putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.


He started scratching his head because he didn't expect Courtney to pick truth. "Okay? Hmm.. Ooh! I know I know!" Geoff cheered.

"Well?" Bridgette asked while taking a sip of her drink.

"Courtney, is it true that you like Duncan?" Geoff asked. Courtneys eyes widened. 

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