Part 6: Scouts

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When I wake up in the morning it was still dark outside.  I get ready and eat before meeting up with the scouts.

Surprisingly I was one of the first people to arrive. Usually i'm always late but today was the exception.

By 6 AM everyone had arrived. A few minutes later Erwin arrives on the stage and begins to give us one of his famous speeches.

While Erwin blabbed on about the future of humanity I found my self zoning out. I tried to regain my focus but eventually I just let myself day dream. It was way to early in the morning to pay attention anyway.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the yelling of a couple hundred scouts. Every one of Erwin's speeches ends with us screaming. I guess it pumps up some people but I think it just makes us look stupid.

We all depart to the stables to grab our horses.
I walk over to Jets stall and greet him with a few pats on the head before walking him to my squad.

"Hey guys." I say as I reach the group.

"Hey." A few people say in response.

At this time it was starting to get light out, the sun would probably rise soon.

"Alright let's get going." Levi says as he hops on his horse.

We all do the same and follow him towards the wall. My eyes stayed locked on Levi the whole ride.

I missed the feeling of his warm body against mine. All I wanted was for him to hold me. Y/n focus this isn't the time I think to myself before  I snap back into reality.

We arrive at the wall and wait for the gate to open. Erwin and Levi were the first to pass through the gate. A couple hundred scouts followed behind them and in a few minutes we were all gathered outside the wall.

We all chatted a little as we waited for Erwin's signal to go.

I bend forward and lay my head on Jets neck as I wrap my arms around him. "You ready Jet?" I ask him while scratching under his chin. He responded with a hard exhale from his nose.

"Oi." Levi says as he approaches me on his horse.

I sit up and turn my head to the side and look at him.

"Yea?" I say

"Your group is gonna be on the side with the most titans so be careful today alright?" He says as he looks over to me.

"Awww is someone worried about me?" I say as a smile grows on my face.

Levi's rolls his eyes. "Just don't do anything stupid, I know that might be hard for you though."

Before I could respond Erwin signaled that it was time to go. We all disperse into our spots.

Im in a group with Jean and Armin. We travel up the right side of the formation but we passed very few titans along the way .

I thought Levi said there would be a lot of titans out today...strange I think to myself.

The group in the center of the formation shoot up a smoke gun signaling that they needed help.

"I'll go." I shout to Jean and Armin.

They nod as I yank the reins to the left. Jet heads full speed towards the center of the formation.

I ride Jet up a small hill and when we get to the top I peer down and see four scouts trying to fend off five huge titans.

I yank on Jets reins and he sprints down towards the group. By the time I arrive they managed to kill one titan.

I pull out my two swords and use my ODM gear to leap on to the closest titan.

One, Two, Three dead...Damn y'all are big but slow as hell I think to myself as I go towards the last titan.

All of the sudden the ground begins to shake and I hear multiple stomping sounds. I look out and see 10, no 20 Titans running towards us.

"RETREAT." I yell out to the four scouts before I kill the last titan. I was in no position to call the shots but if we headed towards those titans there was no way we would make it out alive.

One of the scouts behind me shoots up another smoke signal before hoping on their horse and heading back to the wall.

I whistle out for Jet but I don't see him.
I whistle again, and again and again. At this point the group of titans would reach me in a little less than a minute.

All the scouts I was with are already heading back towards the wall. Fuck, Jet where are you? I think to myself.

Finally I see him appear out of some bushes on the upper left side. "Thank God" I say to myself.

Jet runs towards me but at a way slower pace than usual. As I analyze him closer I see that he is limping on his right side. What could have happened I wonder.

At this point the titans were dangerously close to us.

When Jet reaches me I hop onto his back and lead him towards the direction of the wall.

"Come on Jet I know it hurts but you gotta push through it ." I yell out to him.

I look behind me every few seconds and all I see is the group of titans getting closer and closer.

"Damnit!" I yell out loud.

Do I use my ODM gear to jump onto a tree? no where would I go from there.
Should I just try to fight them? No your good but not good enough to beat 20 titans at once.
Fuck is there any other options? My head is scattered with thoughts.

I turn my head once more and see a titan reaching its hand out towards me.

Fuck I have to do something.

"I love you Jet." I say before quickly hoping off his back and using my ODM gear to travel up the titans body.

I slash the titians nape and the body falls to the ground. 1 down 19 more to go.

Damn im on my last pair of blades too. I'm fucked. I look down and see Jet still running away from the titans. I feel a since of relief knowing he was still alive.

I use my ODM gear to fly towards my next victim but on the way there I feel a pair of hands on my waist.

Suddenly I was pulled out of the sky forcefully.
I get a whiff of the persons cologne and instantly know who it is.

"Levi?" I say faintly.

Hey guys💞 Okay ik the last few chapters haven't been very spicy but I promise in the next chapter yall will get fed LOL

Also hopefully this chapter makes sense I feel like it's kinda confusing sometimes.

okay byeee 🥰😘

See you soon :)

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