Beach Dream

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I was walking down a sidewalk with a book in one hand. Then, I saw her. She was lying on the beach. She had her earbids in as the sun began to set.

Come Alex you can do this! My brain blurted out

I sighed as my heart began to beat so fast I was afraid of it jumping out of my chest. "I can do this, I can do this," I said to myself.

I walked four steps in her direction. Her red hair swayed in the wind. I blushed as I witnessed her beauty. I froze.

What are you doing my brain snapped.

"I can't so this," I snapped back. She whipped her around. Her warm, brown eyes met mine. She smiled. Her smile was so welcoming and kind. I blushed again. My eyes darted to the sand around my feet.

I was struggling to breath. I couldn't control myself. "Hey," it was her. Her voice was energetic and joyful. I saw her feet and my eyes slowly rose to her face. She was in a black bikini that made her look so breathtakingly gorgeous (I'm not a pervert this girl irl actually wears stuff like that).

As my eyes gazed into hers once more she smiled. Her cute cheek bones and dimples made her smile dazzle. And there it was again my heart almost gave out. "Uh hi," I could barely speak.

She giggled, "Weird seeing you here."

"Uh yeah well I yano," I managed to spit out. Wow that's kinda pathetic, you can't even speak infront of her, my brain insulted. Yeah well your derogatory comments aren't a help, I snapped.

"So, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna say something," she said.

"Oh um yano," I said. Stupid, stupid, stupid; I thought to myself.

"You wanna get a snow cone?" She asked as she grabbed my hand and began to tug me in the direction of the vender.

"I'm guessing I don't really have a choice in the matter," I said smirking.

She laughed, "Of course not, your paying."

"Of course," I replied. She was so happy. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen her like this.

We ordered our snow cones and took a seat on the beach. We sat there lapping up our snow cones. I couldn't help myself, I began to stare a her. It took her a while, but when she inevitably uncover the truth she jump up. I was startled.

She began to prance around the beach singing, "alex is being a weirdo! Oh yeah he is. He keeps staring, staring, staring." She made funny faces as went along, "Oh oh yeah he's weird, but that aint all bad," she grabbed my hand pulling me to my feet, "Can't you see. He ain't that creepy," she started dancing around. I kept laughing. "C'mon Alex," she said, " Dance time." I shook my head.

"Alex is a scaredy cat, oh oh yeah he's the scardiest scaredy cat!" Age sang. She grabbed my hands and started to spin around laughing. I smiled.

We danced around the beach having the time of our lives. Then, "Oof" happened. We tripped. I hit the sand and she fell onto of me. She was still laughing.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked.

She giggled, "Thought you'd never ask." She pressed her lips over mine then, bam I was back in math class.

"Well Alex what is the answer to this equation?" My teacher asked.

I still blushing after my daydream said drunkly, "bikini beach kiss." I winked realizing my mistake, but it was too late. The whole class had burst into laughter. Even the teacher laughed at me.

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