Wilted Leaves

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Sometimes we grieve for the colored leaves that fall from our branches in the Autumn.

The ones that turn and wilt, and descend in vibrant and glorious streamers.

We grieve that something so lovely and part of us, has died and fallen away.

Still beautiful, even when crumpled and abandoned on the ground.

Sometimes we sit there, transfixed, by their painful reminder of better days.

We grieve for the beauty that left us, The living, breathing sections of our soul that now lay in haphazard mounds at the base of our trunk.

Sometimes we are distracted, by the sight of our leaves that we forget to reach our bare branches out for descending snowflakes.

That we ignore the serenity of the frozen sky, or the soft embrace of winter.

We miss the fact that we are beautiful, and awe-inspiring, covered not by the crimson leaves of the past, but by the pale glow of fallen snow.

We become Lords and Ladies of our own personal winters.

And though we creak and groan under the onslaught of opproaching elements, we ARE strong. AND fierce AND beautiful.

So while we are not the same autumn or summer tree, alight with glorious color, we are just as strong, just as mighty, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit more perfect than the season before. .

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