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Towards the time Alice left she became quiet. I didn't like it. She was also getting thinner. I didn't like that either. I mean she was skinny when I met her in the first place but now she was thin. Dangerously thin. Scary thin. Like that kind of thin you be scared of. Not mean bitch thin. To sum it all up she was as thin as my wrist or your wrist. As you can imagine it's pretty scary. But not the point. See when ever I tried to talk to her she'd ask me to leave every time I did. But one time I didn't.


"Can you please leave me alone?" Alice asked me.

"Why do you want to be alone all of the sudden? Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Echo I just want to be alone." She told me.

"Look at me and say it. Every time you tell me or Duke or Mack you never look at us. Did we do something wrong?" I ask starting to get angry.

"Echo you're causing a scene."

"So I don't fucking care. It's about time people start realizing what's going on here. Because since the last time that happened nobody was the same! Everyone started turning on each other! Blaming each other for her death!" I scream.

"Don't bring her up." Alice finally looked at me.

"No. I'm going to bring her up. In fact I'm going to say her name. Gracie is dead. Alice you've got to let her go."

"She was my sister! I can't let her go!" Alice screams at me.

"Everyone has bad things happen to them."

"Leave. Echo I never want to see you again. Leave."

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