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(I didn't reread so if it any mistakes anywhere I'm sorry also idk if this song go with this chapter but it's one of my fav songs but anyways u can read now)
Right now me and Alex are laying down in our bed because Alex feels sick so he's taking a nap but being the baby he is when he gets sick he wanted to cuddle and lay on me so now I'm just stuck here playing with his hair on my phone while he slept but anyways the twins walked in the room and I looked at them as the walked around and started playing with the toys they left in here earlier so I looked back at my phone and then about 15 minutes later they started getting louder causing Alex to move a little bit
N-y'all have to be quiet daddy is sleeping
They looked at me then at Alex valyn walked over to the bed and put her arms up so I helped her without moving Alex she laid her head on my chest right next to Alex face and poked him in the cheek
She looked at me then frowned and poked Alex again and continued to poked him after I said stop many times but after the last poked Alex had woken up
A-wht time is it
N-uhh*checks the time*2:17
He nodded then got ready to close his eyes again but valyn tapped his cheek
He looked at her and she tilted her head to the side pouting
A-I'm ok
She smiled then got down and continued to play with Valentin
A-they have a weird way of asking questions
N-Ik but it's cute since they can't talk properly
He chuckled then propped his self up on his elbow and kissed me
N-feeling better?
A-a little
N-u want anything from downstairs
A-other water plz
I got up and walked out the room and walked downstairs to the kitchen grabbed him a water and grabbed some fruit snacks for the twins and went back upstairs to them I gave Alex his water and opened the fruit snacks for the twins and handed it to them then went and laid down again
A-so yesterday Aurora had talked to me about her moving out
N-she wants to move out
A-yea she wants her own apartment with Naomi and Eli
N-well I mean she's 18 now so that's up to her
A-*nobs*u know who they reminded me of
A-me and u when we had Aurora
I smiled and looked at him he smiled at me then got on top of me and kissed me causing me to giggle into the kiss then he got and went over to the twins and tickled them making them laugh and scream I smiled and recorded them then they came over to bed and we laughed as they came and jump on me and attacked me with kisses and hugs
N-ok ok*giggles*
They give me a couple more then stopped Valentin laid on my chest as valyn and Alex sat next to us
K-mom*walks into the room*
K-can I go to a sleep over to night
N-what sleepover
N-did u finish ur chores
N-then u can go
K-yes!! Thanks mom
He walked out and I started playing with valentin hair because his hair is so soft and curly like valyn it's just addicting to play with they hair but Alex phone started ringing so I looked at him as he answered it
A-hello...wdym their not all there......I'm omw
He hung up the phone and sat Val next to me and started getting dressed I grabbed the twins and took them to Kayden for a little bit then went back to our room and sat on the bed
N-wht happen
A-apparently someone doesn't know how to do their job because the guns and things that came in yesterday half of it is fuckin gone
A-idk Carlos just called me and said when he was putting everything up he noticed it was only 5 crates it's suppose to be 8 meaning 3 of my crates just dispersed so now I have to go to the wear house*pulls his hoodie down*
He grabbed his keys came over to me and kissed me I kissed back then pulled away
N-be safe and don't do anything dumb plz
A-ok luv u
N-luv u too
He kissed me once more then left I got up to go to Kayden room but when I got half way there my phone rang so I answered
N-jr y are u calling me from a unknown number
Jr-umm remember how u let me go to jaylen party
Jr-I um...I got arrested


The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now