#1 • Lil' Shark

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Trigger Warning
.Public Humiliation
.Minor Panic Attack

Ship: KiriBaku

Little: Kirishima
Caregiver: None

Kiri's POV

I was on my way to homeroom like every other day, my bag slinged over my right shoulder. I was halfway there, just walking up the steps, until I got cornered into a wall by a group of three 2nd years. "Hey, kid. We want no trouble, we just want to see your bag. We have no lunch, and you wouldn't want to leave a poor student without food, would you?" one with blue, emo like hair smirked. "Sorry, but I have lunch money, and I need that to feed myself. I'm sure you could ask a teacher to-" I was cut off by a red - orange ombre haired girl. "We weren't asking" she snickered s she began to unzip my bag.

'Dammit, I have my pacifer and Chompy in there in case I slip. If they all see it, I won't be seen as manly. I won't be seen as a man at all! And worse, Class 1-A will be made a laughing stock because of me. I can't let my friends go through that because of me' I mentally panicked. "Hey, can you like give me my bag back?" I tried to ask politely, but there was no denying the fear in my voice. They all laughed as the ombre haired girl opened my bag and started rummaging around, slowly pulling out Chompy, my stuffed shark, and my red shark pacifer. It had a shark on the front with a red base and small red gems outlining the edges. They all burst into a fit of laughter, "OH MY GOD THIS IS RICH! The supposed 'manly' hero in training is a baby! Pft, I didn't think I'd ever get anything to ruin 1-A" the blue haired guy practically wheezed. "There's nothing more disgusting than a teen pretending to be a baby" a guy with green, shoulder length hair deadpanned, venom lacing his every word.

Without a second thought, the girl who had been holding my pacifer in her hand threw it on the ground and stomped on it with such a force the gems scattered everywhere and the handle broke off. My eyes began to water as the laughed, throwing my bag at me and walking off in another fit of cruel laughter. Tears began to sting in the corners of my eyes as I frantically tried to find each gem, the handle and scratched base. Once I had them all I quickly put them in my bag, picked up any papers or books that had flown out when it was thrown at me, put them in my bag as well and walked to homeroom. I was a minute late, and everyone's eyes bore into my skull. "Kirishima, why are you late?" Mr Aizawa asked sternly.

I couldn't very well say I was humiliated and harassed for being a little. "I needed the bathroom and I lost track of time. Sorry, Mr Aizawa! I won't do it again" I apologised. He made a 'hmf' noise before saying "Very well. Just sit down" and continuing what he was talking about. I couldn't focus. My mind kept rushing to the thought of everyone finding out and judging me, judging the class, and me being expelled for being a little. This was how it went all the way till lunch.

I was sitting down with the Bakusquad, joking and laughing like usual, when the same three who had harassed me stood up on an empty table. The green haired male cleared his throat, "Attention eveyone!" he yelled. Everyone's attention went towards the three. 'Oh no, here it comes..'. "We have some juicy gossip for all of you! Eijiro Kirishima is a baby! Us three saw it, he has a pacifier in his bag! How pathetic" the blue haired boy stared at me with a cruel smirk. He knew what he was doing, and he wanted me to know he didn't regret it. Everyone's eyes flew to me. "Bro..?" Denki looked to me with confusion. I gritted my teeth, grabbing my bag and standing up, rushing to the bathroom.

Tears began to pour down my face. 'Everyone knows. They all hate me. I'm gonna be expelled. No one will see me as a hero..'. The tears kept streaming until I reached the bathroom. I burst into and empty stall, locking the door, closing the toilet seat lid and sitting on it. Tears freely ran down my cheeks, hitting the floor like an endless leaky pipe. I heard the door open and close. I tried muffling my crying, the only noises that could be heard being the footsteps of those in the bathroom and the occasional sniffle that my body did on reflex. "Kirishima..? We know you're in here" I heard Ashido call me. I saw four shadows surround the stall I was in. "Come on out, bro. We're not gonna judge you" I heard Sero try to encourage me out the stall. "Just g-o away... I wa-nt to be alo-ne.." I managed, my voice breaking every few words. "C'mon, shitty hair. We just want to help you" I heard Bakugo speak up somewhat softly. "With wh-at?" I asked, the tears never stopping.

"We want to help you fix that pacifer of yours. We know those idiots probably broke it" he replied, a slight irritation in his voice. "Okay.." I muttered after a few moments. I unlocked and opened the door, seeing the Bakusquad (even Bakugo) with worried faces. Ashido immediately hugged me; being the mother of the group. I let the tears flow again, hugging her tightly while the rest got my bag from the stall and got out the broken pacifier, gems and shark. I didn't pay much attention to them though. I kept sobbing into Ashido's shoulder as she rubbed circles onto my back comfortingly. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, so I turned around to see Chompy. "Here, I have the feeling you'll need this" Bakugo handed him to me, looking away with a slight blush on his cheeks.

I smiled at him, letting go of Ashido to hug Chompy tightly. I felt myself slowly start to slip as I began feeling the urge to suck on my thumb. "You can sleep, baby. It's okay, you're safe with us" Ashido smiled softly. With that I let myself fully slip, sucking on my thumb while hugging Chompy, sitting down on the floor. "Awww, you're so cute!" Ashido cooed. Bakugo noticed my thumb and quickly pulled it out my mouth, "Hey, don't suck on that. It's dirty and you may get poorly. We'll fix your pacifer for you, okay?". I nodded, "Sowwy.." I mumbled into Chompy. "What's your shark's name, lil' shark?" Bakugo asked, trying to distract me while gesturing for Ashido to help the others fix my pacifer. I saw Ashido leave the bathroom as I replied, "Chompwy! He my besfwen" I replied with a goofy smile, showing Chompy off to Bakugo. "He is very manly, isn't he?" he smiled softly. I looked up at him in awe, "Yu wook pwitty wen yu smiwle...". I saw a faint blush on his cheeks at my comment.

"Thanks, lil' shark..." he sighed, unable to yell at me. "So, how old are you, little one?" he asked. I put up 2 fingers with a goofy smile. He returned the smile before gesturing me to sit in his lap, "C'mere. I suggest you take a nap. It'll make your pacifer be fixed quicker". My eyes sparkled, "Otay!" I smiled, quickly crawling over to his lap. I snuggled up to him as he held me gently, and I slowly fell into a soft sleep.

I woke up out of littlespace, so to say I was flustered when I realised I was cuddled in Bakugo's lap was an understatement.  "Afternoon sleepy head" I heard Bakugo chuckle, his voice vibrated his chest. It was calming. "Ack! Sorry, Bakugo" I apologised as I quickly sat up. "It's fine, I guess. We fixed your pacifer, shitty hair" he rolled his eyes with a slight blush. "Thanks, bro... where is everyone though?" I wondered, noticing we were in an empty classroom and it was just me and Bakugo. "They left for All Might's class. I said I'd stay with you in case you woke up in littlespace. Also, you were sleeping on me and I couldn't move either way" he admitted with a grumble. "Thanks bro. Sorry about that, I don't have much control over when I regress" I admitted, scratching my neck. "Whatever.." he rolled his eyes, a light blush on his cheeks. "Well, let's head to class. We are Heroes in training after all! Wouldn't want to miss a lesson" I smiled, standing up. I extened my arm to Bakugo, my hand asking if he wanted a hand up. He took it and pulled himself up with a grunt, to which I gave him a wide toothy grin before heading to class, forgetting I was still holding onto his hand.

He didn't say anything though. Not until we reached where our class was. "Shitty Hair, you're still holding my hand" he spoke up. I looked down with wide eyes before withdrawing my hand, "Ah, sorry! I didn't even notice" I apologised, my cheeks heating up. He gave a 'tch' before walking away, me following shortly behind.

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