#4 • Don't Throw Things!

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Trigger Warning
.Throwing objects

Ship: TsuChaco, TodoDeku, KamiKiriBaku, SeroIida

Littles: Tsu, Kaminari, Bakugo, Iida

Flips: Todoroki, Midoriya

Caregivers: Uraraka, Kirishima, Sero

No One's POV

"I sai' no! It' mine!" Bakugo yelled, stomping his feet. "Bu' I ha' i' firs'!" Kaminari yelled back. Todoroki was curled up into a ball in the corner as the two continued to argue, crying as flashbacks started to plague his mind of his father.

"Please don't fight.." Midoriya shakily spoke up. "Shu' up! You no' in d'is, Deku!!" Bakugo yelled at the green haired little. Midoriya whimpered and backed away when Bakugo's hands sparked with a few crackles.

"Now, gi'b me my f'y away p'ane!!" Bakugo yelled at Kaminari. "Fine! I didn' wan' 'da stupi' p'ane anyway!" Kamianri screamed, throwing the toy plane across the room, which hit Midoriya on the forehead. Midoriya began whimpering, then sobbing into a fit of cries. "Owie!! Owie owie owie!!" he wailed in-between sobs, crouching down and holding his forehead.

"Stupi' Deku, gi'b my f'y away p'ane or e'wse I wi'w fuck you up so bad you'w go to hospi'du'w!!" Bakugo screamed, stomping towards Midoriya with his quirk going off in his hands threateningly. This terrified the little, causing him to sob and cry louder.

"CHACO!!! AUNTIE CHACO!!! HELP ME, PLEASE, HE'S GONNA HURT MEEEE!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, desperately trying to back away from the raging blond.

By some miracle, the caregivers had come close enough to the room to here Midoriya's cries. They had only left to find Iida and Tsu since they ran off after a squirrel, it took all of them to find them both. Eventually they found Iida on a busy road and Tsu near a pond. They trusted the littles enough to play nicely together for 10 minutes till they found Iida and Tsu; obviously this didn't go as planned.

Uraraka burst through the door shortly followed by the rest of the group.

"What is going on here?!" she asked sternly. Bakugo immediately stopped stomping towards Midoriya and his smirk dropped as he saw Kirishima next to Sero and Uraraka.

Todoroki and Midoriya immediately ran towards Uraraka. "Auntie!! Kacchan was *hic* Kacchan was being a *hic* meanieee!! He threatened to *hic* to hurt meee!! Don't let him, please *hic* please don't let him!" Midoriya sobbed, holding onto Uraraka like she was his only life line. Todoroki burried himself into Uraraka's side, tears flowing down his cheeks as he cried silently, except for a few sniffles.

"Katsuki, what did you do?" Kirishima narrowed his eyes at the now pouting little. "I... I..." Bakugo stammered. He gulped hard, bracing himself for the scolding that was inevitable. "Lightning bug, can you tell us what happened..?" Kirishima softened his gaze at Kaminari who had been pouting throughout the whole exchange. "Me an' Ki'dy go' in a figh' abou' a p'ane an' I go' rea'wy ang'y an' I 'frew 'da p'ane an' i' hi' Izu'du an' he go' upse'd an 'den Ki'dy go' ang'y a' Izu'du an' 'fre'den him an' - an' Sho'do didn' 'wike 'da ye'win' an' he wa' in 'da corner cryin' an' I' rea'wy sowwie dada.." Kaminari explained quickly, panicked he'd go to time out.

Kirishima sighed, "I know you're sorry, but you know better than to throw things, bud. You're both going into time out for 10 minutes. Katsuki, you have to go to bed earlier tonight for scaring Izuku".

"Bu' - bu'-!" Bakugo started, on the verge of another tempter tantrum. "No buts, go to the naughty step now" Kirishima spoke firmly. Bakugo lowered his head in defeat, making his way to the stool in the corner, opposite from Kaminari.

Todoroki and Midoriya had stopped crying, and Uraraka was getting them some wooden blocks to play with. Sero and Tsu played with the other two happily, making up a roleplay game once they finished.

The 10 minutes came and went rather slowly for Kaminari and Bakugo, Bakugo kept sniffling, occasionally wiping his nose aggressively with the sleeve of his long sleeved shirt.

Once it was over Kirishima walked up to Kaminari first. "Time is up, my prince. Go apologise to Izuku and Shoto and have fun, yeah?" the red head grinned, patting Kaminari on the head. Kaminari nodded with a smile, rushing over to Midoriya and Todoroki to apologise. Before Kirishima went to Bakugo he picked up a packet of wetwipes, not missing his sniffles.

He knelt down so he was at the same level as the little.

"Firework, the time is up. Can you look at me?" he spoke softly. Bakugo turned around hesitantly with his head hung low before lifting it slightly. Kirishima sighed before a kind smile washed his face. He grabbed a wetwipe and wiped Bakugo's tear stained face, afterwards he gently caressed his cheek.

"I' so'wy dada... I jus' go'd rea'wy ang'wy an' los' my temper..." Bakugo apologised. "I know... that's no excuse for yelling and threatening Izuku though, is it?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo shook his head.

"Can you do a brave big boy thing for me and go apologise to Denki, Shoto and Izuku for losing your temper?" Kirishima smiled softly. Bakugo nodded with a confident smile, "I be big an' b'wave like All Migh'd! A he'wo always admi'ds when he w'ong".

"That's my good boy!" Kirishima's hand left Bakugo's cheek as he stood up, helping the little up as well. Bakugo waddled over to the group, giving himself a small mental peptalk on the way.

He stood still when he was close enough and froze when they noticed.

He started fiddling with his shirt as he spoke, "I' so'wy.. I jus' los'd my temper an' go'd rea'wy ang'wy. I t'wy no'd 'do do i'd again".

"It's okie Kacchan! I forgive you!" Midoriya jumped up and tackled Bakugo in a tight hug, laughing all the while. "I fo'gi'be you 'doo, Ki'dy" Kaminari grinned joining in on the hug.

The trio looked over at Todoroki, Bakugo especially, hoping he'd forgive the blond. He give a small nod with a soft smile and slowly joined the hug too.

"Yay!" Midoriya cheered excitedly.

"Yay!" Kaminari parroted with the same excitement.

"En'u'f huggin' an' come play wi'f us, w'ibbit!" Tsu got up and began dragging them towards the play area.

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