1- Ladies protecting ladies! I guess!

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Its been an awfully busy day , the boss made you run around the whole city again!! Saying it left you a little bit tired was an understatement..

As your eyes dared to close on the random movie on tv, you were swung back awake by the sound of a loud phone ringing

"What could this little gremlin possibly need at this hour?" You rubbed your temples as you stood up from the comfy couch, walking to the phone and answering it

"Moshi moshi!!" The familiar voice sounded

"Come on doppio its so late and im tired, you better have a good reason to call me" i said annoyed at the pink haired boy, me and him have been the bosses most trusted subordinates for as long as i can remember. But for some reason he trusts doppio more and only communicates with me through doppio. I dont mind though, but that does mean i get all the personal issues to fix, like come on

"Im sorry y/n !! Orders are orders !!You can sleep after i tell you what im calling for, so the boss has a very very important mission for you..."

The morning

"What would be the best outfit for this oh so important mission?" I mocked doppio while standing in front of my closet in only my panties and my bra

"Aw come on, doppio is so sweet stop that" i muttered to myself as i picked out a suit to wear, because,, !! Imma fight these gender norms!!

A couple minutes later i looked in the mirror and liked the way i looked for today , pretty hoes gotta dress pretty no?

My footsteps sounded through my house as I quickly jogged to the kitchen to grab a waffle, if i didnt hurry i would be late to the location my "victim" is currently at.

Doppio explained the plan to me, the boss had a daughter he needed to get rid off. So i need to catch her alive and bring her to doppio so he can give her to the boss.. kinda weird if u ask me but hey!  Fuck them kids amirite ? Never really imagined the boss to be a fuckboy

Her name is Trish, she has pink hair and green eyes, and shes 15. Thats all the information i got, but its enough for me! Im a professional after all,, im even dressed like one .

I glanced at my watch and saw i only had 5 minutes to get to the cafe 'trish' was currently at.

My eyes widened as I quickly put my shoes on and put the damn waffle in my mouth, almost died but its ok.. Having waffles this dry should be a crime, curse my baking skills.

I decided to go with the "woman late to work" act and ran through the streets of italy on my way to the unlucky girl, i need to take a left here and then a right.. i think.

I kept running and greeted some old people on my way, Never know when an old ally can come in handy!!

Looking on my watch again i saw that four minutes had passed, but i started to wonder if she would leave or enter the store in a minute.. Oh doppio will be hearing about this, mf gives me some clues and thinks i will commit the perfect crime

Taking in the surroundings i saw i was close to the cafe, i come here a lot since its pretty close to my home. Plus the waiters cute!! I should ask for their number next time i go maybe?

I came to a stop in front of the door, breathing loudly but trying to not make it obvious. When i caught my breath i opened the door and looked around. Theres no one here next to the old lady in the back . God damnit,, pretty waiter isnt even working today either.

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