3-In a pickle

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"I have already done a background check on you, You are lying about having been a bodyguard y/n. Liar. Liar liar liar."

See this is where he fucked up, its impossible to do a background check on me. The boss made sure of that, so how should I respond?

"Oh please you know you are just trying to make me confess to a lie that isnt even a lie, its impossible to do a background check on me." I felt some blood escape my nose

"And why is that so?"

"You know, i was in a gang when i was 10. My friends made sure i couldn't be traced so easily." i tried to wipe the blood of my nose but then remembered my arms are held behind my back.

"A ten year old in a gang? Dont make me laugh" he raised his eyebrows

"Its not that much of a difference considering Giorno's age Bucciarati" Mista chimed in once again

"For fucks sake Mista PLEASE be quiet!" Bruno barked back

"Like i said, had horrible parents, lived on the streets, got into some mess, accidentally saved a gang leader from the police and they kinda took me in their care. The gang fell apart since the leader got murdered like a year later though.Its as simple as that" I shrugged. I wasn't lying actually

"What was the gang leaders name?" Bruno questioned.

"Antonio bro, i think his last name was something liiiiike let me think.. ah yes , Rossi! But he went by the name Antossi. I kinda miss him" i stuck my bottom lip out

"Did he by any chance sell drugs to the corner with all the teenagers?" A comically large sweatdrop appeared on Bucciarati's forehead

"No idea. I just got fed and a roof over my head."

"Alright so listen. Im gonna ask you one more thing okay?" He patted my head again

"Oh yes sure" i purred

"How are you not doubled over in pain yet? A normal person would already be knocked out after the first two hits."

"Dude living on the streets wasn't peaceful at all, i got hurt more times than i can count. Just because im a lady doesn't mean im weak or whatever. I bet i could fold that hooker behind me" i laughed evilly

"Hooker?!" Mista asked

"My bad bro, ur rocking that crop top I swear! I would totally fistbump you right now if i could"

"Hell yeah! Hear that Bucciarati?"

"Hm. So y/n, You are still very suspicious to me. So im gonna keep you in this house until all my suspicions are cleared okay? Normally you would be dead meat by now, but Trish would never forgive me." Bucciarati announced

"And how long would that take?" I whined

"Up to a month maybe."

"Can i call my boss to ask to quit my job then? He would not get off my dick if i stopped showing up to work. Promise you help me find another job after this bullshit" i sighed

"Fine, but we listen to the phone call." He signaled for Mista to let me go

"Yea no problem dude" i put my hand in my pocket and pulled out my phone. I pressed on doppios number and dialed it

"Hello? Yes, its Doppio!" My friends voice calmed me down a bit

"Ahhh boss how ya been, yea so im gonna have to quit my job bro, some things happened and led to a chain of unfortunate events." i talked with a straight face, what Bucciarati and Mista didnt know is that my stand Loud Sound has already touched that phone, im able to manipulate the sound waves that are being transmitted through any type of electronic device as long as my stand has touched that device before. My stand can do almost anything as long as it has something to do with sound.

So the message that doppio got was "This is through loud sound, Plan with Trish went wrong. Am being held hostage at the resort Bucciarati and gang stays at."

"Oh jeez is there anything i can do to help you?" He answered me through the phone. Luckily i didnt need to put it on speaker.

"You know.. just some personal shit that needs to be worked out" i stretched out my arms

What doppio got was "Find the house, go to the backyard. Ill be waiting"

"On my way to find the adress y/n!! I wont let you down!" And he hung up

"Ye- Boss?? Motherfucker hung up!!" I threw my arms in the air.

"Now that that is cleared I suppose you can go and make yourself comfortable in this house. Im pretty positive that you dont have anything to do with the boss so ill go easy on you for now." He zipped my leg back on and made the zipper disappear off of my face

"Oh and one last question. Are you a stand user?" He gave me a death stare

"Oh yea sure, i mean who doesn't use stands? I use mine to hold some of my manga collection and figurines" i wiped a drop of blood away with my sleeve

He sighed "Alright, any questions before i go?" He dusted off his jacket.

"Yeah, How the fuck did you made my leg drop off like that dude? In the gang i used to be in some people also could do questionable things like making things float and growing their hair in only mere seconds, are you a owner of such a force too?" I put up a confused act

"Yes indeed, Mista show her around." He walked away.
She got out of the interrogation alive 🗿

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