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I would like to start off by saying, the craft is open to any and all who feel called or have the desire to practice. There is no gatekeeping here. I urge you to research closed practices very deeply, not so that you may participate, but so that you recognize any ritual that has derived from a closed practice. I am Native American, but I do not practice with sage, or believe in it as it is such an endangered species. I am not here to tell you how to do your practice, but I will also not be discussing deities. When first starting out deities should be something personal, and done in the right time. What I'll be going over is very general information that may not be as appealing to very seasoned practioners. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read this and hope you gain something positive from it.
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your journey, and learn much about yourself. This is very self based teaching. Everything we will be doing is subject to your will, and choices. You are your own guide into your power. There are two beliefs that will be laced into this book before we get started, the age old "An it harm none, do as ye will," and the second, what you will is what you will get. You are your own source. The energy you put into something is what you will receive, so before any practices prepare your spiritual energy. There are many different types of witches. There are many different forms of magic, as there are many religions. After studying different forms of spiritualism the only thing I discovered was a common factor. Will. Praying something into your life, giving sacrifice to bring something into your life,  or investing your energy into a spell to grant this desire. They are all very similar. Make sure you are fully invested in what you are doing to bring about your best results. Understand that the craft is not always luck spells, and love potions. Some people are led to the craft. Some are intrigued by it. In some ways people can be chosen. What you do with your craft is your own choice. If you are new, and feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task it appears to be, relax. No one is perfect. There are many different types of witches, and many do not abide by the same rules. Most of the craft is led by your own energies. The craft can also be a serious investment to consider. It can take time, money, patience, and a lot of study. There is nothing wrong with being guided to do as you feel, but there are a few base lines to start your practice with. For starters, its not usually best to let everyone you've ever met know what you're doing. It's not wrong to tell people, it's more, be careful WHO you choose to tell. Things can be used against you. If you're just starting out, it might be best to look for a coven, to apprentice with until you feel you're ready to fly solo.  When you decide you're ready to invest your time, energy, and spirit you can begin your spiritual journey.
When first delving into the craft, you will need to choose your path. You will decide what customs you observe, what practices you uphold, and how you do things. Some of the common terms are; pagans, wiccans, ceremonials, brujx, solitary, and eclecticism. Once you have researched your chosen path you are ready to move on with your beginnings. It often helps to have a community of people to ask for advice. Sometimes the internet can be of help, chat rooms, and friends. Of course there are always books as well. Familiarize yourself with your chosen lifestyles traditions and culture. The craft has many rules, each section containing their own. If you have chosen to dedicate yourself to a deity, make sure you understand everything that goes with the process. If you are joining a coven, read everything they have to offer, and be sure this is the family you are choosing. There is a fair amount of dedication that goes into joining a coven. Familiarize yourself with the holidays, and calendar you are choosing to observe. Research the holidays, and make necessary preparations.
You are in charge of yourself, research from multiple sources, always fact check, and trust your intuition.

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