S2 🥀 E5

157 7 7

| Chapter 35 • Diana |

first, thankyou all for 1.07k reads. i'm grateful 🦋
7:31 ~ I realized I posted the chapter incomplete, sorry everyone


"Michael you have a visitor!" Quincy calls as I take my headphones off, I walk out of the booth and stop dead in my tracks, "Hi Michael." She says with a smile, that smile that would trap me everytime

"What do you want Diana?" I growl, looking away. I knew that if I looked into her eyes, I'd be in deep trouble, "I came to talk, Michael, there's so much we need to talk about." She say, walking towards me

Holding my hand out, I shake my head no, "No. There's nothing to say, you made your feelings know years ago." I replied, turning my back so I could gather my things, "Just hear me out Michael, I've had a change of heart." She says

I let out a scoff as I threw my jacket on, "Yea? Change of heart? Well, so have I. We have nothing to talk about." I demand to her, "Just hear me out, please." Unexpectedly, she cups my face causing me to look into her hypnotic eyes

Huffing, I sat down, "You have 5 minutes." I demanded, "Thank you. Michael, I was wrong. I did you wrong, I'm sorry. I knew you were in love but I played you, I regret it. I miss you, and seeing you all in love with that Jt girl hurts me, it really hurts me. To know that you've fallen out of love with me and in love with her. I know Girlfriend was about me, I listened, and I know She's Out of My Life was about me too. I'm sorry." Diana says, rubbing her eyes softly

"You're wrong about somethings, I never fell out of love with you, I'm still in love honestly but I chose to avoid you to make my feels disappear. Girlfriend was about you, but She's Out of My Life was my apology for cheating on Jayden. You're too late, Diana, you-you played me when I tried to give you my all. Everything that I had in me. You were my first love, the woman I wanted to spend my life with. I-you took, you took my virginity, Diana- do you know how sacred that was? How special?" I admit to her, causing her to hold her head down in shame

"So lets try again." She suggests, I shook my head no and stood up, "You can let yourself out, I have to go." I said, about to walk out

My arm was grabbed and I was turned around and met with lips, they weren't Jayden's either. My eyes went wide, I was shocked at the sudden movement. Without thinking, I kissed her back giving into her, completely forgetting about the world and remembering the times we had. The beautiful times.

Buggs, what are you doing? I heard in my head which made me gasp and push her away, "No Diana! I'm in a relationship with someone who actually loves me, okay. This kiss, i-it meant nothing and was a mistake. Leave me alone." I demanded shaking my head

"Fine. By the way, Jayden was standing there, have her." Diana spat, walking past me and Jayden who held a shocked look on her face, "Care to explain what that was?" Jayden's voice was quiet

"A mistake, a huge mistake. She came onto me, you saw her. You heard me say it was a mistake." I explained, "Why was she here Michael?"

"I don't know, I was leaving and Quincy said I had a guest, I thought it was you." I said in all honesty, Jayden only nods and walkes out with her head down

I curse silently and followed her, she hummed quietly as we left the studio and went home. Still she said nothing, I knew she was upset, but it wasn't my fault this time. I waited in bed as Jayden showered, deciding that it would be best if I went ahead and talked to her about what happened.

Couple minutes later, the shower stopped and about 10 minutes later Jayden came out with pajamas and her hair in bun. I watch as she walked over to the vanity and put her jewelry up and combed her hair out

"Why are staring at me?" She mumbles as she continues to brush her hair, "We gotta talk about what happened in the studio, I swear nothing happened but she kissed me. I didn't wanna talk to her, she wanted to talk and just as I left she grabbed me and kissed me. I admit, I kissed her back but I thought about you and I pulled away, you heard me tell her off." I huff softly, watching her moisturize her hair

"Okay." She nods, putting the bonnet on her head and going into the bathroom to wash her hands. After she does that, she climbs into bed and turns her side lamp off. What I didn't like was that her back was facing me, "Night."

I looked at her back in shock, she's really mad at me, "Jayden don't go to sleep while you're mad at me. Come on, I'm sorry. Talk to me." I shook and turned her over to face me, "You're still in love with her Michael. I heard more than you think. You never fell out of love with her, how you're still in love with her. Girlfriend is her song, thats fine but to hear you're still in love with another woman hurts Michael. Its okay though." Jayden turns back over on her side and shifts in bed

"Butterfly, its hard to fall out of love with someone who was your first ever love. Yes, I am still in love with her but I'm not with her, I'm with you-." She cuts me off by scoffing, "Basically what you're saying is I'm your coping mechanism? Someone to help throw your feelings away? I get she's your first love, it is gonna be hard but the way you're going about it." Jayden says

"But you know I love you though, my feelings for Diana aren't as big as they used to be, but my feelings for you have grown. You're my Butterfly, not her, you're my wife, not her. You're the woman who I love to sleep beside and wake up next to, not her. You're my everything, not her. I promise."

Butterfly tried her hardest to hide the smile on her face, but failed once I started to place tiny kisses all over her, "Stop it, Buggs!" She laughs, pushing my face away

I smiled and planted a kiss on her lips, "Remember before you got your nose done, do you remember what you asked me?" Jayden asks, wrapping her arms around my neck, "I asked 'did you love me the way you tell everyone you do'." I replied with a small head nod

"I've been contemplating on whether or not I should ask you this. I've been blaming my feelings on the fact that Prince's due date is coming up but d-do you still love me? The way you say you do?" Jayden asks softly, I felt so bad now

A smile forms on my face, "Of course, but I love you more now..and yes we were supposed to bring Prince home soon, but it wasn't our time, Butterfly. Think of it like this, Prince isn't with us physically, but spiritually he is." I told her, softly she smiles and nods, allowing me to kiss her

Before things could go too far, she pushes me back and smirk, "Woah there buddy, you're still in the dog house. Nighty night, I love you." She says, fluffing her pillow softly

I only grinned and pulled her into my chest, "I love you more Butterfly."

THE QUIET BOY || MICHAEL JACKSONWhere stories live. Discover now