Holy shit this is the house?

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"Okay and we're here!!" Mom shouts as we pull into the driveway I don't even bother to look at the house "sweetheart look" dad taps me on the shoulder I look up finally seeing our new house "holy shit" I say under my breath "hey watch your language" dad try's to sound stern but failed miserably "oh fuck off dad" I shoot a foul look at him and he does the same. "Isn't it pretty plus it was half the price of the other house" mom says stepping out of the car "wonder why" i whisper.

After we get inside mom tells me to go upstairs and pick a room and I do so. I walk into a random room "this'll do I guess" I say placing down my boxes and plopping on the need "I suppose I should call Eddie" I pick up my phone and dial his number

Y/n: hey Eddie
Eddie: oh hey y/n I didn't expect you to call so soon
Y/n: you said I could call anytime plus Ive got news
Eddie: you got a new boy already god the la boys must be cute
Y/n: no dip shit it's about the house... we moved into the murder house dude
Eddie: wait really no shit that's sick
Y/n: I know but I gotta go I think my moms coming up I'll ttyl bye love you
Eddie:okay bye love you too

I hang up the phone to see who's coming up the stairs and to my surprise nobody's there, so I walk back to my room and lay down on the bed "who were you talking too" I look up to see a blond boy in a stripped sweater "oh just a friend- wait who are you like the pool boy or something" I look up from the bed "you don't have a pool" he smiles "that's true so who are you then" I raise an eyebrow " my names Tate I used to live here" he reaches his hand out and I shake it, he had very cold hands "no shit aren't you supposed to be dead" i let go of his hand "what?" The boy questions "Tate Langdon right files say you're dead" "what files" he raises an eyebrow "police files" "well what if I told you I was dead" he walked in from the door frame to the bed "I'd think it's sick that I'm talking to a dead person right now" I walk sitting on a chair across the bed "well the files are right I kinda am dead".

Me and Tate sat there talking about the other ghosts in the house, about Eddie, school we talked about a lot before mom walked in to tell me dinners ready "okay mom I'll be down in a sec but wait I want you to meet Ta-" "meet who sweetie? nobody's here" "yeah I guess not, I'll be down in a sec" I look back at her before she leaves the room, Tate reappears on the bed laughing "Tate my parents are gonna think I'm crazy if you disappear every time I try to introduce you" I smile "okay I'm sorry I'm sorry" Tate says between laughs "okay I have to go eat I'll talk to you later I guess" I get up and walk out of the room.

"So y/n how are you liking the new house so far?" dad says "oh it's not bad" I say taking a sip of water "well I'm glad your-" suddenly Tate appears behind him giving him bunny ear cause me to laugh spitting out some water "what are you laughing at?" dad turns around looking all over the room "oh nothing just thought of something funny".

"Hi I'm Tate I'm dead wanna hook up" Where stories live. Discover now