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Undetermined date

Kaiserhoff, Prussian Republic

Although Tanya had assumed the position of President of the Republic of Prussia, she had to be in charge of transmitting powers to her position. Before Tanya's rise, the President of Prussia had only two powers: to put or remove the Chancellor from office or to bring corruption charges against someone from parliament to parliament. So she took it upon herself to carry out the proper bureaucratic procedures to acquire more constitutional powers. In one corner of the room there was another desk, aside from Tanya's. It was Viktoriya's desk. Even though she was Minister of Foreign Affairs, she decided to continue working alongside her leader. In any case, this place is still under construction in certain areas. It was the new Bundeskanzleramt, the new Federal Chancellery of Prussia.

20 years after the end of World War I, Tanya still felt the same love for Viktoriya as when she kissed her for the first time. It had not been her first kiss that she remembers, but it was in that woman's body.

"Visha" Tanya snapped her fingers and the door lock closed. "Do you remember when was our first kiss?" This question caused Viktoriya to freeze. Although she was in love with Tanya, she felt a bit nervous that they would be discovered even if the walls weren't thin. Society could be really cruel.

"Why do you ask...?" she was nervous, very nervous. Tanya gets up from her desk and approaches Viktoriya slowly and seductively. "Last night I dreamed of you" A little more relaxed, Visha asks what she dreamed of while a small mischievous smile spread across her face.

"I dreamed of our first kiss"

"Oh" Viktoriya was a bit surprised. Although she kept in her best memories her first kiss of her life, she had something else in mind. She really was not disappointed. It had been a very moving and memorable moment. "Really? It was very nice."

"Is that the only thing you will say?" Tanya kept getting closer to Viktoriya in such a way that she blushed.

"To tell the truth, that day I got very nervous. To begin with, you were... you were still a child. And I was afraid that you didn't feel the same as me. I was afraid that you would judge me for loving you, loving a girl like you... "

Since then Tanya had grown as the war progressed. During his teens he didn't bother to pay attention to the courtships of boys his age. For years he served with the 203rd Air Mage Command of the Imperial Army, so he served alongside Visha and her other friends. When he turned 17, the Demon of the Rhine faced who had been his rival for years: Mary Sue, the Goddess of War in the eyes of the Allies, the Bloody Valkyrie in the eyes of the Imperial Army. During the last battle of the war, in the skies of Flanders, the death of Mary Sue cost Tanya an arm and a part of her face that was severely damaged. The following day the Empire surrendered unconditionally. That day the shield of the Empire was disintegrated, broken into several Successor States.

Visha had no qualms about continuing to show her affection and love for Tanya even when she had a prosthetic arm and scars on her face.

Now Tanya was standing in front of her, seducing her with her body, affectionate as she had always been with her.

"I love you" Tanya said at the same time that she came over to kiss him.

Their lips met in a symphony only they knew. Visha usually tensed, relaxing within seconds when she kissed her, but this time she caught Tanya by surprise. Visha put her arms around her beloved while the symphony played and they danced as Tanya grabbed her by the waist. Bringing her closer to her, feeling her warmth.

The birds sing as the air blows gently through the window, enveloping the couple in a gentle breeze enveloped by the song of the autumn birds. The couple part their lips and Tanya leads Visha to the center of the office dancing. It was not the best place for a couple dancing, but it was the best time for the two of them. The sound of their regulation boots sounded in sync as they danced. At one point, Tanya leans over to her partner looking directly into her eyes. She gives him a short kiss, but much warmer.


17 years later, World War II ended. Now, somewhere in Arkansas, a couple of girls are raising a little girl while peacefully rebuilding her life.

"This was the only thing I wanted" whispers the blonde haired girl.

Her partner, a beautiful brown-haired girl with beautiful blue eyes, looks at her strangely. Even now, she doesn't know the truth about the blonde haired girl. And she will likely never know.

"Really, this was the only thing I wanted ..." The blonde haired girl starts crying uncontrollably, like a girl who lost her parents, like a girl who lost her friends, like a soldier who lost her men , like a girl who lost her humanity in war, like a girl whose heart was broken, like a person who ...

"How much have I lost just to get where I am...?"

"Tanya?" the brown haired girl asks.

"What is that coming out of your eyes mommy?"

I have lost a lot to get to where I am, I lost my previous life, I lost my job as a wage earner, I lost my parents, I lost my men, I lost the First World War, I have lost many things...

Tanya wipes her eyes from tears and carries her daughter on her lap

But I guess I have gained a lot of things. I have won battles, I have won against the Communists, I have reunited the Empire, I have fallen in love. I have done many things, but the most important: I have won this battle called Life, because life is also a battle. Day to day is also a battle not only for me, not only for my daughter or my wife, it is for every person in this world.

With that conviction in mind, he kisses his daughter on the forehead. He wipes away the remaining tears and, with his daughter in his arms, kisses Viktoriya. Viktoriya, unaware of her wife's thoughts, accepts her kiss warmly and calmly. And she, with her daughter in the arms of her wife, she gives him a hug so that her daughter can feel the warmth of the people who are raising her and who love her so much.

Tanya and Viktoriya, married for 2 months, carry their daughter in their arms inside their house.

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