"Scary movie night"

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after wards:

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after wards:

Axaria's POV:

I can't stop sobbing (regardless of being in Steven's arms)
I'd never been so terrified in my entire life! I told Steven, we shouldn't have watched that stupid scary movie! (Two PTSDs don't make a stable person!!)
"Axaria, pumpkin, I'm so sorry!" He frantically tells me while wiping my tears away.

A bit of time passes and by this point, he was just comforting me knowing full well that it would be pretty late until we'd both be able to go to sleep.

(Greeeeaaattt) aaaaand it's quiet....

"Hey... Xari?" He finally pipes up. I respond.
"Yeah..? "

"I really am sorry, sweets. I should've listened to you earlier.." Letting out a soft chuckle, he holds me a bit tighter.

"It's okay. I was just a little freaked out" I reassure him, smiling softly

"So..." He started, connecting our foreheads together. 

"What should we do to pass the time, hm? " He finished

(Of course I'm blushing now..🙄😩)

"I dunno.." I replied

"Well we could just sit here and talk.. Until we fall asleep"he suggests

"That does usually work" I reply. (WhEn I'm NoT tRaUmAtIzEd-)

"Well let's try it then.." he beams softly, pulling me into his arms.

He, now holding me close to his chest,
his heart beat like a serene song in my ear,
and his soft breaths in the background like an orchestral white noise.

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and spoke to me softly for the rest of the night until we were both sleep, peacefully, in each other's arms

Good Night.... ~

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