Bro Time 💜🏍Mondo x Ishimaru📚❤ and ❤⚾Leon x Yasuhiro🔮💛

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Mondo, the tough biker gang leader, was a little, and not just any kind of little, he was quiet, well behaved, shy, and was sure to always listen to Taka.
But not today. You see Mondo had a really bad fight with some jerk who was bullying Taka.
Mondo just wanted to slip and play with his stuffies, put on one of his lavender sweaters, and cuddle with Taka. But Kiyotaka was busy with some student council meeting for the next half hour, so Mondo was all alone.
Mondo walked around their shared dorm, he went to the small kitchen area they had and grabbed an orange. He peeled it and ate it, washing his hands afterwards because they got sticky.
The male sighed as he went to his room, he grabbed a lavender sweater and put it on, it draped to his knees and covered his hands, which made him giggle.
Mondo heard a knock at the door, he went and answered it, standing at the door was Kuwata and Kagahure.
Leon noticed Mondo was little and started to squirm a bit from excitement. Yasuhiro just smiled at Mondo.
"Hey little dude! I thought you would be little since I'm thirty percent right every time!" Kagahure smiled, he was wearing his normal outfit but Leon was wearing a long red sweater and thigh high red and white striped cat socks, both of the littles giggled at eachother.
"Okay, so like is Taka here?" Right as he finished this sentence, Ishimaru ran over to them.
"Hey guys, sorry I was at a meeting!" Kiyotaka informed. Mondo squeaked happily and hugged Taka.
"Daddy!" Mondo cheered and The two caregivers chuckled. Taka picked up Mondo and the four went inside.
"We pway stuffies?" Leon asked innocently to Mondo. Mondo gasped as if the idea were inconceivable.
"No, we pway with caws, duh!" Mondo smirked. Leon pouted as the caregivers went to go get some Mc.Donalds for the group, deciding the littles would be okay on their own.
"Fine! But den we gotta pway catch!" Leon demanded with a smug smirk on his face, Mondo agreed and they played cars for a while happily.
Soon the littles got bored of cars. "Wets go to my dowm and get my basebaww and gwove!" Leon smiled, Mondo let out a giggle and they left.
"Otay, chu wanna pway wit' it outside?" Mondo asked as they approached Leon and Yasuhiro's dorm.
"Yes!" Leon giggled, anyone they past thought they were talking like that as a joke or had headphones in and just didn't care to begin with.
Soon the two got to the dorm and they grabbed the glove and baseball. They went outside to an empty feild.
"I wondew whewe ouw Daddies went." Leon said to the brown haired boy. Mondo just shrugged and they played catch happily and then just laid in the grass.
Their sweaters protected them from the itchy grass. Both the littles drifted off in the field.
Soon the caregivers got back to the dorm and opened the door happily. "Guys! We're back!" Hagahure called out. When they got no answer they got a bit worried. They started to check the whole dorm only to find the boys gone.
The caregivers raced to Leon and Yasuhiro's dorm. They opened the door and reached, but there were no littles to be found. Both of them panicked.
"Guys?" Taka called out as Hiro did the same thing. Both of them then realised that Leon's glove and baseball were gone, they ran to the field.
"Boys!" Taka yelled out, the caregivers sighed in relief as they saw their littles sleeping in the field, cuddled up to each other.
"Oh thank passing grades they're okay..." Taka sighed and both caregivers ran to their littles. They picked up the boys and headed back to the dorms, relief washed away and now was replaced with frustration that their littles thought it would be smart to leave where their caregivers left them without leaving a note.
Soon the littles started to wake up. "Huh?" Leon whispered then saw his Daddy look down at him. Leon just giggled and hugged Yasuhiro.
Mondo stayed quiet as he happily hugged Ishimaru, not comprehending that he was about to be in trouble.
Once the caregivers got back to the dorm with their littles they set the boys on the couch and crossed their arms.
"Do you two realize how worried we were? What were you guys thinking, you know to stay here!.. Mondo promise me you won't do that again, and Leon you promise your daddy to stay put too!" Taka sighed. Mondo realized what he did and felt bad. He hugged Taka.
"I sowwy, I didn't mean to scawe Daddy!" Mondo apologized. Taka was a lot more calm and he hugged Mondo tightly.
"I didn't means to dada!" Leon apologized to Hiro, Hiro chuckled and hugged Leon. The caregivers let go of their littles and grabbed the Mc.Donald's.
The four ate and put on Little Shop of Horrors, because it was both the little favorite movie, no matter what headspace they were in.
They all ate their food and happily chatted together, forgetting about the incident from earlier.
Soon both boys were big again and were cuddling their boyfriends. "Hey Taka... I love you." Mondo coed. Taka kissed the other male in response.
"Hiro, you're pretty poggers." Leon smirked and kissed Hiro only to receive a kiss back from a happy Hiro.
They all continued to watch movies until it was time for bed. They all decided on a sleepover, each pair cuddling their significant other happily.

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