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I'm sitting at my desk with my LED lights set to (F/C), matching with my (F/C2) headphones and keyboard. I decide to play Minecraft, it's been a while since I have. I log into my account, my username being (USER). I join a random public server, drinking some water as I wait for it to load. As it finishes loading, I look around at all the mini games and options I have to play. Skywars comes into my vision and I smile, seems fun.
As I enter the game, I am immediately welcomed with the counter counting down from ten. I prepare to get my items from my chest, as the counter reaches its final numbers. I jump out and reach for the chest, collect an iron axe, four pearls, a diamond helmet, an iron chest plate, a bow and some arrows, and a stack of sixty-four blocks. I start bridging across for my first kill, a user with a strange name. Not caring for it, I immediately jump down and hit them a couple times with my axe while they were preoccupied with another user, dying instantly. I smirk and think to myself, 'thank you for the easy double kill' as I kill the other participant of their mini duel.
Once I've gotten around five kills, I realize there's only two people remaining, myself being one of them. I crouch and start to scan the area, looking for either a moving object or something out of place. I suddenly hear footsteps behind but before I can react, I was already dead. "Damn it," I exclaim, slamming my hands down onto the table. I had to hand it to them, that was a quite the sneak attack alright.
"GG," said the odd character. "GG," I reply, it was quite the good game. As another game started I repeated my past actions, got my materials, towered over, got a couple of kills, this and that. Again, I'm in the final two. I assume he's my opponent, so I watch my back carefully. I see him, that odd character, carefully picking through a chest, my time to strike! I go sprinting, axe in hand, jumping onto the next island and slamming my axe down on his character rapidly, killing him. Fireworks explode as the victory screen lights up. I cheer with myself, excited to have beaten this guy with his stupid character.
"GG," he repeats as before. "That was good, we should totally 1v1 >:)!" he types in the chat. I scoff and reply. "That could be fun." He friends me, and I friend him in return, happily accepting his 1v1.
We enter a world and he hands both of us a diamond sword and full diamond armor. "We both go to these dots and my friend George will count us down," he instructs. 'Seems easy enough,' I think to myself. He has a silly character, just lime green with a weird white blob with a face. George just looks like a cleaner version of Steve with glasses, how creative. We stay at the dots as George counts down from ten. As he gets to one, Dream and I run at each other, attacking full force. Dream somehow gets more hits on me and I die first. "Rematch!" I type in all caps into the chat. "Alright fine, best two out of three!" We start at the dots again, George counts down, and we go full force again. This time, I get the win. On the last round, my hands begin to sweat. "" George types as we begin running at each other. I try my best evasive maneuvers, attempting to get hits on him. Ultimately, Dream beats me and wins. "You're not that bad (USER)," he types to me. "You're not that bad yourself, green boy," I insult him back. "Haha," he types, "how about I add you on discord with my friends?" I smile. "Sure."
His discord tag was the same as his Minecraft username, Dream. He likes to stay consistent, huh? I was immediately added to a group chat with three other people, Dream, GeorgeNotFound, and Sapnap. "This is (USER)," Dream introduces you, "I met them on Minecraft." I type a simple hi, in which Sapnap replies with, "sup mamacita?" I giggle, what an interesting welcome. "You can call me (Y/N)," I type. "I'm Nick!" Sapnap replies. Dream remains silent. "When did you all meet," I ask, trying to start up conversation. "A couple years ago." Sapnap replies. Oh dear, years? I guess I'm the newbie. "How about we all play a basic survival world," Sapnap asks. "Sounds fun, what do the others say," I reply. Silence. "Sure sounds fun," Dream types. I get a vibe from the message that something was off. "Dream, create it!" Sapnap types. "Might as well start streaming," replies Dream. Streaming? "What do you mean streaming," I ask. "Oh, Dream, George, and I stream on Twitch," Sapnap replies. I am intrigued. "George, you good?" asks Sapnap, George has been silent. "Yeah," George types. I get a vibe that George doesn't like me. "Let's hop on a call," Sapnap types. Before I can respond, the iconic discord call starts up. I get my headset ready and join, shyly remaining silent. "Hey y'all!" Sapnap says. His voice seems immediately friendly, soft yet full of energy and life. It's quite the comfort. "Did you create the world already, Dream?" asks George. George has a British accent, no doubt about it. Dream unmutes. "Yeah, I got it." I suddenly feel my heart leap out of my chest. His voice was welcoming and warm, yet it held some power. It was the most interesting one out of the three. He seems to be the leader of the group. I unmute my mic and shyly speak. "Hey guys," I say softly. "Awe! Your voice is so adorable!" Sapnap comments, gushing over my voice. "Yeah, it's cute," Dream comments as well. For some reason, his comment makes me blush. "Dream, invite me to the world," George brushes off the little festival of compliments from Sapnap and Dream.
     "I'm going to start up my stream," Dream says. "Oh, how many viewers do you have?" I pour myself a glass of chocolate milk and start sipping. We would be playing for a while so I brought snacks and drinks. "Around two million." I choke on my drink, coughing and clearing my throat." "Two million?! How did you say that so casually?!" I exclaim. He chuckles and sighs. "It's a lot of people, I know." "Start up the stream!" Sapnap says. "Fine fine," replies Dream. "Hey guys, George, Sapnap, and I will be playing a basic survival game. We got a new friend joining us, (USER)." I smile softly after being included. After a bit, we start getting wood, Dream replies to donations and we banter lightly. "I bet I could get the most wood than all of you!" Sapnap challenges. He is definitely the comedic relief of the group. "I accept your challenge!" I said excitedly, sprinting to every tree. Dream, already having found a cave, laughs a bit. "You guys know very well if I was up there, I would've beaten you guys a while ago," he teases. "Sure whatever dude," Sapnap scoffs. In the end, I won with two stacks and a half while Sapnap simply had the two stacks.
     "I like this area," Dream says. "The nether portal goes here and our house can be over the water." "Sounds good," George replies, who has been silent for most of the game. After Dream creates the portal, Sapnap and I hop in, eager to start our mission through the nether. We run across vast lands, killing any hoglins that dare cross our paths. We bridge across lava lakes and mine through walls, looking for our nether fortress. Sapnap and I discuss ideas for the nether portal design. "I was thinking using some of the fortress bricks," comments Sapnap. "I was thinking using some black stone instead," I reply. "That sounds good." I think for a bit, seeing how Dream and George have been silent. "Dream, George, are you guys okay?" I ask. I get no reply. I check the voice chat and realize we've been alone for a while now. "Sapnap, they both left," I comment. "They left? Since when?" He asks, just as confused as I am. "Are you okay?" I type to Dream. "Sorry I was busy," he replies as he joins. "Hello, Dream?" Sapnap asks. "Hey sorry, I had something going on," Dream says. Sapnap and I stay in silence, I guess we both sensed the off vibe. "I guess you ended stream," asks Sapnap. "Yeah, a while ago." "We can stop playing after we get out, we haven't found the fortress." Sapnap and I head out and exit the game in silence. "I think I have to go, have fun guys," Sapnap says. "Oh, bye Sapnap!" I hear the discord call end on Sapnap's end.
     It's just Dream and I alone in the call. "You've been off for most of the call, are you okay Dream?" I ask him. "I just got a lot in my mind don't worry about it Y/N," Dream reassures me. I sigh gently and smile a bit. "I had a fun time playing with you guys today. It was fun!" I giggle a bit, making sure my voice sounds gentle to him. "We should all play again sometime," he replies. "So, a question," I start, "why was George acting so strange?" I ask. "I'm not sure, I guess he's just not used to new people. I'm sure it's fine." Silence fills my headphones after the comment. "You're not doing anything wrong, Y/N, it's just strange having a new person haha." He laughs it off. "Should we log off or..keep talking?" I ask politely, as to not seem like I'm eager to go. "Huh, well, we could keep talking if you'd like," he replies. "I'd like that very much." I smile. I look at the clock, it's nine forty-three pm so I have some time. "So, Dream, what's your real name?" I ask. He knows mine, I should know his. "Clay," he answers. "Oh, so are we naming our children objects now?" I tease him, receiving a small, low chuckle from him. "You're quite the funny one huh? Your name is silly as well, Y/N, I could never name my child that." He tastes back, earning a scoff from me.
     We continue this banter for a while, until I checked the clock again. "Oh god it's one in the morning, how did so much time pass by?!" I exclaim. "Time flies by when you're having fun," replies Dream. "I guess I gotta go," I say. "No don't go, fall asleep on call with me." Dream suggests. Fall asleep on call? I sigh and transfer the call onto my phone. I begin turning off everything, my LED lights, my headset, and my computer. I lay down and place the phone next to my head. I hear Dream rustle around and get in bed, sighing softly. "I guess this is goodnight," I say nervously. "I guess it is, I hope you have a good night Y/N." Dream says in a sleepy, deep voice which makes me blush. As I slowly close my eyes and doze off, I hear Dream's soft breaths, making me softly smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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