I saw it on your phone

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Okay so lloyd and akita live in an apartment together because the monastery was destroyed again so everyone that lived in the monastery got separate apartments unless they were a couple than they could live together(But most is just on lloyd and akita because this thing is just a full book on ideas I have for this ship) but anyway this one is about lloyd and akita living together and they are friend until akita looks at Lloyd's phone.

Akita's p.o.v

Lloyd so what are we going to do today. Well I was going to play on my game for a little if you want to join me. What do you mean. that box thing right by your motion picture screen we watch at night. Yes do you want to play.

Sure lloyd I need to know more about your realm so give me that weird thing you use to play that game.

Here you go akita. As I see lloyd give me that thing he turns on that machine and we go into a a two person game. Okay so you pick first Because your a girl. Your such a gentlemen. Umm....I'll go with this girl character.

Okay I will go with scorpion. Uhh...okay lloyd so your picking a actual scorpion. What no....that is just the name of the character.

Oh....well......okay as we loading into the match I ended up getting destroyed a lot in a bunch of different matches. Lloyd how are you so good at this. Because I play a lot of game and i know what to do in them. Well In that case do you want to play something else.

O..okay Akita what else do you wanna play how about that game as I say that I point to the game that is on the motion picture screen. Oh okay but on that one we are going to have to take turns.

Okay lloyd I don't mind that I could wait because I really don't know how to play these games unless you could teach me. I wouldn't mind doing that. As he says that the game loads up and he goes into a match.

As I look at him playing the game he starts to get shot and then I see him die on the game but he comes back in the sky. Lloyd I'm no expert but didn't you just die in the game. Yeah but this is the pre-game lobby. The actual match starts now. As I look at the game he jumps out and land at a building. As he starts to move around in the match trying to get weapons I'm guessing.

I start to get closer by his side and lay my head on his shoulder. Lloyd looks at me and says. What ar...oh I didn't think you were going to do that.

Should I move lloyd I mean if you feel uncomfortable with it i could move. No no your fine just was surprised that all. Oh okay so j could keep my head on your shoulder. Yeah you can I don't mind.

As he says that I just left my head on his shoulder as he is playing the game and all I could think of is just to kiss him on his cheek or on the lips.

We have been friends for so long that I don't know If he even wants to be my mate. As I was still thinking in my thoughts I hear Lloyd's phone thing ding and I move my head to see what is on his phone.

As I was about to get his Phone lloyd tells me why I moved my head from his shoulder. I tell him I heard his phone go off so I was going to give it to him. Oh...okay Akita give it to me real quick.

As I give lloyd his phone I tell him what was on it. It was just a notification from tiktok nothing to worry about actually if you want to akita you can look at tiktok for a bit on my phone just don't go into my photos okay. As he says that I say okay and go on his tiktok.

As I start to look at it I see one motion picture that caught my attention. I look at it and its says on the video try this out with your boyfriend or crush.

So I ended up looking at the video and it shows the girl going right in front of her crush I'm guessing and she puts her body right next to his while her head goes on his shoulder as her arms are around him. While he his playing his game.

Then it shows me that he grabs her and puts her on the bed and they start kissing and then the video ends. I then start to blush of the thought of doing that with lloyd.

So I go in the bathroom that is what lloyd calls it and I change into some some short because in the video the girl was wearing shorts.

So I get out of the bathroom and go right next to lloyd. Lloyd yes akita I want to try something if that okay with you. Sure akita I won't mind.

As he says that I go up to him and get my legs on the bed as I am putting my arms around him and then put my head on his shoulder.

Akita what are you doing. I here him say that as he puts down his thing he plays with on this game and I tell him It was something I saw on your phone and I wanted to see if it would work. Oh...well I guess it is kinda working.

How lloyd. Because your here with me and my arms are around you. As he says that tell him I love him and as I said that lloyd stayed quiet as his arms are still around me. Lloyd I'm sorry I should have never said that. I love you too akita and I have for a very long time as we first met.

Lloyd I have also had a crush on you for a very long time and since I have been living here with you lloyd all I have been Thinking about is that you and me could become mates.

As I say that we move away and he says to me Wait are you talking about being yin and yang. What does that mean lloyd.

It basically means me and you are mates and we could have kids. Are you saying you want to have  kids lloyd.

No well at least not now. Akita I mean like boyfriend and girlfriend. Well I guess I would be fine with that too. I love you akita.

I love you too lloyd. As I say that me and lloyd basically in the same position as it is in the tiktok thing.

So lloyd moves a piece of hair out of my face and puts his hand on my cheek. He....kisses....me.

as he is kissing me I was surprised at first but then sank into it.

As that is happening lloyd takes me by the waist and places me on the bed as he continues kissing me.

So this is the one of the one shots I made for them and there will be plenty of them to come but If you want you could give me some ideas.

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