[4] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎

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In Minhyung castle which is located far from his own kingdom, decorated with some flowers and other decorations. The servants in the castle worked hard to make sure Minhyung satisfied with their works for today's event.

Renjun and Yangyang who had just met and became close friends in a short time, together made sure that all the preparations for tonight's wedding were perfect. Both of them did help abit like carrying some boxes and etc..

While Donghyuck had to continue bathing in the bathtub, he grumbled in his heart because he could not refuse Minhyung's order to marry him. He aggresively scrub soap on his arms while mumbling swearing words.

"That bastard need a hit on his head for forcing me marrying him. Ergghh, i swear that i will kick his ass if he tried to touch me tonight" Donghyuck swearing as he wash his body with shower.

"My pardon, prince Donghyuck but the Crown prince asked me to make you wear your wedding suit right now" a voice from behind the bathroom door caught Donghyuck off guard. Lucky thing he already done with showering so he wipe off his wet body with towel before wearing bathrobe.

Quicken his pace, Donghyuck walk out from the bathroom and greet the servants who have been order to help him dress for the event today.

On the other hand, Minhyung after being assisted by his younger brother, Jeno, stood in front of the large mirror while tidying up his suit. He smile in satisfaction. Jeno just rolled his eyes.

"Hyung.. are seriously gonna marry with him without father and mother's bless?" Jeno asked Minhyung. The older just shrugged his shoulder.

"Father will definitely gone mad if he knew about this" Jeno mumbled, enough for Minhyung to heard it.

"I don't care.. mother will like Donghyuck though" Minhyung respond as he turn, facing Jeno that was crossing his arm to his chest. The only people in Minhyung's family that knew about this marriage was Jeno and Sungchan. His two brothers always support whatever he does and help him to get out from any trouble mostly related with his parents.

"Sungchan said he will come here, where is he?" Minhyung asked, clearly wanting to change the topic. Jeno sighed knowing his brother's antique completely.

"He will come surely soon.. he just need to make sure mother and father won't know about this" Jeno replied. Minhyung just nodded his head.

Music start playing on the background. The melodious music that is suitable to be played for weddings makes the groom standing on the altar feel nervous. He didn't know why he felt this way even though he just met this bride of his.

The number of audience in the garden is not that much. It just the servants and guards and of course Jeno with his fiancé and Sungchan with his wife. Minhyung clear his throat as he avert his gaze to Jeno's fiancé, Jaemin.

'Where is my bride?' Minhyung mouth at Jaemin as they connect their stare. Jaemin just smirked at him and mouth back 'He will not going to run away.. don't worry'

At that moment, birds chirp loudly filling the garden as if it was welcoming their favourite person. Minhyung glance at the gate where Donghyuck was supposed to walk in, and stunned for a second. The reason he was stunned because of Donghyuck's beautiness that dazed everyone in the garden especially Minhyung.

Jeno and Sungchan's mouths opened as they were completely stunned by Donghyuck's incredible beauty. Their reaction made them get a painful smack from their own lovers.

Minhyung only could grinned like a fool as Donghyuck walking towards him while holding tight a bouquet of sunflowers. Donghyuck's face was tinted with red as he stop in front Minhyung.

Minhyung hold out his hands for Donghyuck to hold and the young prince took it. They hold each others hands tightly as if they didn't want to let it go.

They stood in front the officiant with a smile on their faces. The officiant asked Minhyung to start his vows first. Minhyung take a deep breath before vowing.

"I,Minhyung, take you, Donghyuck, to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." - Minhyung.

Soon after Minhyung done, it was Donghyuck's turn to vows. He said his vows with a bit of stutters.

"I, Donghyuck, take you, Minhyung, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish always." - Donghyuck.

After the vows, the two princes smile shyly at each other. The officiant nodded his head. "Now you may kiss your bride/groom to seal your vows"

Minhyung close the gap between them as he stare into Donghyuck's eyes, asking if he could kiss his bride. The young prince shyly nodded and close his eyes as Minhyung kissed Donghyuck's soft and plump lips.

It was just a simple kiss but it gives chill to both of them as this is their first kiss. The audience clapped their hands in happy.

"I will make sure no one can separate us" - Minhyung.


Oh yeah, btw, for the vows above i asked it from Mr Google since i never knew how vows sounds like 😅

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