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Teleporting was definitely not going to feature in Mayne's top ten list of experiences.

Once she fell out of the zero gravity, freezing cold vortex that the black cat so kindly called, "his favorite mode of transportation", Mayne's first stop was the trash can. Except there was no trash can. There was only grass. White grass that she was now vandalizing with her sickly green vomit.

Looking up for the first time, Mayne realized that everything was white. Mayne was no stranger to boringness. As she was merely a simple girl. But the lack of color, texture, well anything really, was startling.

"Hey, kid."

Mayne sighed and nodded for the cat to continue.

"You're boring, you know that? Every day you sit in your room, at exactly 8:00 pm, and do your work. Come rain or shine, you do your work. You eat at the same times, you wake up and sleep at the same times, you literally have like 7 outfits you rotate each week."

If the cat had a human face, Mayne knew the face would be scrunched up by now. Instead, the black cat rolled his eyes and continued,

"I'm offering you a once in a lifetime chance kid. Here in this world, you can be anything, do anything. Shed that boring skin of yours and become fantastical. Be a murderer, a king, a queen, a magical fairy girl. I'm so tired of seeing a cardboard cutout excuse for a teen every night. Stop being so boring for once. Be fantastical like me."

And so she did. Mayne became a warrior, a dragon rider, a superhero. The once blank world was filled with swirling colors and laughter. Her simple grey set of pajamas were transformed into armor, spandex, leather, even a trash bag at one point. She made hundreds of friends, ruled thousands of lands, created numerous stories. The vast landscape of nothingness was replaced with magic. It was fantastical.

And on the third month of being in The Fantastical World of Fantastical Worlds, the black cat asked her,

"So how about it kid? Don't you want to stay here and be fantastical with me?"

But Mayne was a simple girl. Who liked simple things, and set schedules, and wearing the same outfits each week.

Mayne said no.

And so, on the night of her third month in The Fantastical World of Fantastical Worlds, Mayne left the fantastical place, and arrived back to her simple life.

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