| 12 | red roses

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Maddie's POV*time skip to the day of the wedding*

Today is the day, the day of Cathy and Abby's wedding. The past few days have whizzed by, but I can still see through Gino's jealousy. He just has to accept that Zack is a better person, Zack tells me he loves me and he doesn't kiss other people behind my back. I guess my relationship with Gino is still confusing, but I'm sure Zack is a kind and loving person. I can't help but wonder how it will feel like to be Zack's girlfriend. I shake my head at the thought. I have to stay focused on Abby's wedding.

I slip on the gorgeous dress for today and admire the silky material. The floral print matches my silver pumps. I stroll to the bathroom and apply the makeup 'requested' from Abby. I smear the gold cream eye shadow and curl my long lashes. After finally completing the makeup I intwine my long brown hair into a side french braid.

I trot down stairs before kindly greeting Kenz and Mom. I sit down for breakfast: flapjacks with Nutella. I have to pick at my food in order to ensure I don't mess anything on my dress.

"I'm so excited!" Mackenzie squeals, she loves dressing up.

"Me too, the costumes for the group dance are amazing! It looks just like wedding dresses," I sigh, my mind painting a picture of the beautiful dance.

"It's time to go now, hop in the car," Mom kindly smiles, revealing a bright shade of lipstick on her front tooth.

"Uh, mom.." I giggle before motioning towards the smear.

Mom laughs and quickly cleans her tooth.
I run outside and clamber into the back seat. Imagining the wedding, I doze into a slight daydream while the car engine whirls to life.

We finally reach the breath taking venue. Flower beds scatter the surroundings of the church. Zack arrives just after me, and motions me to go to the back of the church. I nod and silently tip-toe just as a familiar car rolls into view.

"You look beautiful," he grins while looking up and down at the chosen outfit.

"You don't look too shabby yourself," I giggle. His hair was sleeked back obviously with gel and was wearing a black tux.

"I love your hair," Zack reaches out to touch the delicate hairstyle. He leans closer and places his soft lips right next to my ear.

"I love you," he whispers. It's about the fifth time he's said that to me in the last two days.

"I love you too," I lean closer and peck him on the lips. He kisses me again and hugs me.

"Promise me I won't loose you again," he whispers, despair clear in his tone.

I bite my lip. "What do you mean? I've never lost you," I'm hoping he doesn't say what I think he will.

"Public school really isn't the same, please come back. Please," he begs, he doesn't realize that it isn't so easy just switching back to public school. I sigh.

"I-I can't," I'm not sure what else to say.

"What do you mean?" He pulls away and gazes into my eyes. His brown eyes are filled with curiosity, wonder.

"I can't, dance is what I do now," I can't imagine not doing dance as much as I do it now.

"Oh, I understand," he smiles. That's the thing about Zack, he understands everything, even if you think he never would.

We both lean closer and he presses his soft lips against mine. Just as I thought we were alone, Gino pops out of nowhere. Oh great.

"Get off of my girlfriend," Gino hollers at Zack. What the hell Gino? Since when was I your girlfriend?

"You, girlfriend?" Zack obviously takes this as a joke and cackles, still clasping my waist.

"I said get off of her," Gino lunges onto Zack, pushing him away from me.

"What the hell Gino! Get away! What's wrong with you?" Gino's jealousy has taken over the best of him.

"Babe, can I talk to you? Alone?" I look over at Zack, he nods and walks away.

Gino talks to me as if we were in a relationship. Calling me baby and beautiful only makes me more agitated, and he should know that. After explaining the whole Chloe drama again, he asks if we could at least be friends.

"I don't know Gino," I look away and furrow my eyebrows.

" I just want to warn you. Zack isn't the person you think he is," he's just jealous, I roll my eyes.

He tilts my chin and leans closer. What is he doing? He kisses me but I don't kiss back, I won't kiss back. I try to wriggle out of his embrace but he is too strong. This is defiantly not the same Gino. He kisses me more as I fight against him.

Finally I find the strength to kick him. He quickly let's go and I slap him as hard as I could across his face, leaving a red mark, almost as red as the roses around the corner.

Authors note: thanks so much for reading! :) I will try post the next chapter soon! Ilysm

What do you think about Gino now? Comment pls ;)

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