| 8 | marry her?

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Authors Note: OMG have u guys seen the video for elastic heart by Sia? Maddie was amazing :)

Maddie's POV
How could Chloe do this to me? More importantly, how could Gino do this to me?

I break down in a series of sobs. I cry until I look like the ocean washed me onto its banks. I fiddle with the sequins on my maroon costume before the pocket on my ALDC jacket vibrates. My phone. I slip the gold iPhone into my delicate hands and push the home button.

Messages flood my notifications, most of them asking where I went, I scroll down to find a message from Abby.

Maddie. Why in the world did you storm out of the competition? Where did you go? Listen Kiddo, if you don't come up with a good excuse you're off the team, as simple as that.

Tears blur my vision as I read the horrifying message. I will be kicked off the team. What am I going to do? Just as I wonder deep into my thoughts a voice interrupts the silence.

"Maddie?" It's Mom.
"Y-yes?" I stutter.
"Why did you do that? Run away like that? I was so worried about you!" She embraces me in a hug and rubs my back.
"I-I," I struggle to find the words.
"Let me get you to the bus," Mom quickly grabs my hand and pulls me along until we finally reach the bus, all eyes set on me.

No one says a word, mostly because they're digesting the way I look: smeared makeup and running mascara covers my face and my hair is no longer the perfect bun it was an hour ago.

"I'm not going to bombard you with questions, and neither are they."
Abby adds a tone of disgust on the word 'they'.
"But I will need to speak with you after the bus ride."
I gulp, this conversation ought to end badly.

As I take a seat, a number of looks are sent my way. Chloe shoots a grin, a somewhat evil smirk. Kendall and Nia smile reassuringly, they probably know what happened.

I plug in my headphones as the bus slowly moves out of its parking slot. I don't even bother looking at Gino sitting across the narrow corridor leading to the back of the bus.

After about 20 minutes of driving, my phone vibrates, sending a jolt of fright down my spine.

Gino: I'm sorry
Me: sorry doesn't cut it
Gino: I don't deserve someone like you
Me:why did you make out with Chloe?
Gino: she did it, not me
Me: u went with it?
Gino: she wedged me on the wall, could I really escape? :s
Me: I don't need to know the details
Gino: are we friends?
Me: I need time to think
Gino:okay? How much time?
Me: I dunno, bye.

And with that, the texting stopped, vanished in thin air.
I push repeat on 'Elastic Heart' By Sia. I hum along to the tune, remembering the detailed choreography and partner work.

Well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart,
But your blade might be too sharp.
I'm like a rubber band, until you pull too hard,
But I may snap when I move close.

The lyrics have such deep meaning, and I've realized the first set of words match the exact situation I'm in. I silently giggle to myself at the thought before the bus pulls in front of dance.

We all pile out of the bus and get our things. Everyone heads to their car but Gino, Abby, and I, why is Gino here?

"Abby also wants to talk to me," Gino answers my question.

We slip inside the tall building and walk over to the deserted dancers den where Abby sits us down.

"You two are in a lot of trouble," Abby starts talking, a little bit too harsh.
"No one has ever humiliated my dance studio like that in a long time. Now you two better start talking. Tell the truth, or I'll have to ask for both your ALDC jackets," a lump forms at the back of my throat, should I really tell Abby the truth?

"It's my fault," Gino mumbles, I guess we're going with the truth.

"And why is that?" Abby furrows her eyebrows.

"Maddie and I," he pauses.
"We like each other," Gino looks at me for reassurance.

Abby starts chuckling. A lump forms at the back of my throat.
"Yes, it's true," I mumble.
"It wasn't really a relationship, but we did kiss a few times," I hope that didn't hurt Gino.

"Okay, and?" Abby motions her hand for us to carry on.

"Chloe started making out with me by the bathroom and Maddie saw, she ran away. I don't blame her, I would have done the same," I nod and look at Abby.

"And now?" Abby gives a questioning look towards me.

"I told him I need time to think about this," I look down.

"I believe you, I do. But I know Chloe would have never done that." I'll need to explain the previous competition we went to.

I explain every detail from the terrible experience. From the laughing backstage to the award ceremony. Abby seems to be buying it, I'm holding thumbs that I could keep my spot on the team.

"I don't want any drama with this competition team, there is already too much going on with the moms," Abby rolls her eyes as she talks.

Gino and I nervously look at our dance teacher. Am I kicked out of the team?

"I have considered, and you two may stay on the team," Abby says with a blank expression on her face.

"But..." As Abby says that I feel my stomach cringe at the awful conjunction.

"You are on probation. Both of you," I let out an exhausted sigh as the statement rings in my ears while I silently walk out of the dance studio.

"Luckily for you two we aren't going to a competition next week," A sly grin smears across Abby's face.

Both Gino and I turn around to face Abby once more.

"Why?" I nervously ask, regreting any unwanted reply.

"Well, because I'm getting married," My jaw drops.


Author's Note: Hey guys thanks for reading! I'm so sorry it took so long and it's really short but it will get more exciting :) 10 votes for more!

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