Chapter 1

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"Can you believe it? We're Seventh Years now! Last year of Hogwarts. It feels like yesterday we met on the Hogwarts express when we were eleven," Rita reminisced, smiling as she looked around the Great Hall.

   Three of the four girls were sitting at the Gryffindor table, one week into their last year, waiting for breakfast and recounting their adventures over the last six years.

"Pfft, we weren't as titchy as those first years, were we? Look at 'em, they're tiny!" Pitch laughed, sizing up one of the first years at the end of the table with her fingers. Artemis suddenly sat down between Pitch and one of the other Gryffindors, leaning in close and speaking softly so nobody but her three friends would overhear.

"It's done. All the food except for Gryffindor's table is affected. In five minutes, operation 'House Pride' will take effect," she grinned cheekily.

"That's what you named it? Really? So original, Arty," Lily sniggered, covering her mouth to hide her laughter.

"Oi, let me tell you something, you little-" Artemis began, standing up and pointing at Lily, but she was cut off abruptly by Pitch yanking her back down into her seat.

"Shut the hell up, Arty, and watch. The food has arrived," Pitch chuckled, her lips spread into a cheeky grin.

   The girls dished up some breakfast for themselves and started eating, watching the other House tables and teacher's table carefully.

   There was a sudden cry of shock from the other end of the Hall, and one of the Slytherin students stood up quickly. His skin seemed to mimick the Gryffindor House tie, having turned a vivid shade of maroon with golden stripes.

"What's happening to me?!" a Ravenclaw shouted, their skin slowly changing maroon and gold as well, and soon, everyone was being affected.

"-My skin!-"

"-It's happening to me too!-"

"-What's going on?-"

   Even the teachers looked like they were Gryffindor's number one fans. The only ones not affected were the students sitting at Gryffindor table, though they were all crying with laughter.

   Tears of mirth stained the faces of the four friends, and Lily took a quick photograph of the enraged students, hiding the camera when Professor McGonagall's voice echoed through the Great Hall.

"SILENCE!" she roared, her voice slicing through the laughter like a knife. "Who is responsible for this... this atrocious act?"

   The stern professor was staring straight at Sirius Black and James Potter, expecting them to own up, but a look of confusion crossed her face when Artemis stood on her seat.

"It was me, Professor! Just ,eaving the mark of the Miscreants, that's all," she announced proudly, grinning at the furious students who'd been affected.

"Miss Wolfe, I-" Professor McGonagall began, but she trailed off when Rita stood on her seat as well.

"Me too, Professor McGonagall," she said softly, her voice just audible. McGonagall's eyebrows raised slightly and she looked at the blue-eyed girl.

"You too Miss Charmsbrooke? Well I-" she started, but again the stern witch was interrupted.

"Don't forget me! GRYFFINDOR FOREVER!" Pitch yelled, jumping up and throwing a fist in the air. The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers before being silenced again by McGonagall.

"While I appreciate the pride in your House, Miss Pitch, I must insist-" the witch spluttered, getting frustrated with the constant interruptions, but it wasn't over yet.

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