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   King's Cross Station bustled with people. The autumn wind battered the crowd, especially those pushing trolleys which were packed with suitcases.

   Some of these people stood out from the crowd. Whilst some were wearing tailored suits, others were wearing strange cloaks and pointed hats. Despite their bizarre, extraordinary attire, these people seemed to be invisible to those suited and dressed ordinarily.


   A particular set of wizards in the crowd were the Pitch family, a very classy, very snobby, and very rich pure-blooded family. They walked in their expensive black robes with their backs straight and their noses up at everyone surrounding them.

   Everyone in the family walked like that... save for the family's eldest daughter, an 11 year old girl with dark obsidian hair and striking storm grey eyes, who just bolted ahead and almost knocked over one of the ordinarily dressed people, or Muggle.

"Gemini, slow down. You are supposed to walk with grace and elegance," her father hissed sternly, but his daughter paid no attention.

"Why couldn't we have just used the Floo network to get there?" her mother sighed. "All these filthy Muggles, I'll never get the smell out of my robes.. my best robes too.."

"It's to give Gemini the proper Hogwarts experience, someone at the office suggested it. Now let's find her before she causes too much mischief.." her father suggested.

   Gemini continued to sprint, stopping as she reached the barrier between Platform 9, and Platform 10. With a deep breath she started to run again, heading straight for the barrier, waiting for the impact of the bricks...

   But there was none.

   Thanks to powerful magic, she'd simply melted through the bricks, and appeared on a platform next to a beautiful black and red steam train, with 'Hogwarts Express' labelled on the side of each carriage in gold stencil. Gemini glanced up at the platform plate above her head, and a broad grin spread across her face.

   Platform 9 3/4. She'd finally made it! She was one step closer to being at Hogwarts, only the best school for witchcraft and wizardry.

   She squealed with excitement, running around the barrier a few times before bolting towards the Hogwarts Express, eyes only on the glorious train. Of course, she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, and it wasn't long before... crash!

"Hey! Watch where you're going, bonehead!" came the muffled voice of the person that was now underneath Gemini.

"Merlin's beard, it was your fault! You got in the way," she retorted, but she stood up anyway, offering a hand to the person she'd tackled accidentally.

   The person was actually a girl with long sandy brown hair and bright hazel eyes flecked with gold and green, which were hidden behind thin black wire frame glasses. She had large, ugly scars on her face, though she didn't seem to care. She looked up at Gemini with a look of suspicion, before breaking into a smile and accepting Gemini's hand.

"You're spunky, I like you! Name's Artemis Wolfe, what's yours?" she asked, her tone kinder. Gemini hesitated slightly before answering.

"I'm Pitch," she replied with a cocky grin. Before she could say anything else, her father's voice crashed down on her like a wave of disappointment.

"There you are. Come now, onto the train before it leaves without you. And do me a favour, try not to bring any dishonour to our family name..." he said sternly, looking down on Gemini with a harsh glare.

"Yes father, I understand. Goodbye, goodbye mother," the raven-haired girl mumbled, nodding her head at both of her parents.  They weren't exactly 'hug' people, so she simply waved before turning towards the train.

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