February Member Spotlight - @MeganVinotucino

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Our February member spotlight is @MeganVinotucino! Congratulations! Please enjoy this lovely interview and make sure to check out  If I Were You! You'll find the novel on The Tribe's reading list.

Our February member spotlight is @MeganVinotucino! Congratulations! Please enjoy this lovely interview and make sure to check out  If I Were You! You'll find the novel on The Tribe's reading list

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1. Favorite book of 2020 or all time?

Austenland (a chirpy tribute to Austen's work)Favorite book ever: Hannah, by Paul-Loup Sulitzer. It would be shelved as chicklit nowadays, but to me, it was the first epic, woman-led book I ever read. Still love her characterization, her brilliant mind, and her charisma.

2. What genre do you prefer to read or write? 

Though I love dabbing in unexpected genres (thriller, sci-fi, dystopian, satire), my heart always goes back to writing and reading romance.

3. Best piece of advice for new authors? 

Do not be afraid to learn about the craft. Of course, all writing techniques won't suit you, but there must be a tip somewhere that'll help you smoothen the process

4. What's your inspiration to write? 

Most of my stories come after a dream. An encounter, a smile, a lingering feeling, and tadaa, a book is born!

5. What do you do when you're struggling for inspiration?

I don't think I ever struggled for inspiration itself (i.e. not knowing what to write). For me, writer's block translates into choppy dialogues and a lack of exposition. It's more about the how than the what: I'm often limited by my writing skills...

6. What hobbies do you have outside of writing?

Baking pleases so many senses... Knitting and painting with watercolors are both relaxing but challenging.

7. How long have you been writing?

I started writing in November 2019. A thriller-romance had been plaguing my mind for months, and I needed to get it out!

8. What's your writing process? 

I'm a pantser at heart, but I try to at least outline the key scenes and dialogues before I launch into writing. Plus, it's always satisfying when I check one item off the list.

9. What's your current WIP? 

Inspired by the talented people at Flirting With 30s, I started If I Were You, a satirical romance around the billionaire trope. The plot takes place in a reverse world where evolution went another way: women physically dominate men, and this led to interesting differences with our reality... It's hosted on my second account, MeganVinotucino, because of future steamy scenes 

10. Anything else you'd like to add?

Thanks again for honoring me through the monthly spotlight! I'm not very chatty on The Tribe's server, but I'm glad I could find a group of BIPOC writers!

Thanks again for honoring me through the monthly spotlight! I'm not very chatty on The Tribe's server, but I'm glad I could find a group of BIPOC writers!

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