Part 12

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"How did his parents die?" I ask curious

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"How did his parents die?" I ask curious

"I think that is a question Kai should answer." Helen replies

What? Why does Kai have to be the one to answer my question? Did he kill them or something?

Even with all those unanswered questions roaming through my brain I just simply nodded

"But all I can tell you is that he had a very bad childhood and he didn't get to do things his age ..." she stops looking down for a minute

Then with her glossy eyes looking straight into my brown ones she says almost like she was in pain.

"So just please promise me you'll give him a chance."

She sees my hesitation

"Please just one chance." her voice cracks putting her slightly shaky pointing finger up.

I take a deep breath

"Ok fine I promise." I promise her

She quickly get up and gives me a tight hug whispering "Thank you." into my ear

What have I gotten myself into. I made just made promise so I have to keep cause I take promises so seriously like I hate breaking promises I don't know why but I just do

After hours of talking and watching shows, we hear the front door open.

That must be Kai. A few mins later Kai comes in the room saying "hi mama." giving her a hug

"Hey sweetie." Helen says smiling

"Ok you promised." I think to myself taking a mental deep breath

"Hey beautiful." Kai says to me

I get up and stand in front of him

"Hey baby how was your day" I say hugging him then giving him a quick peck on the lips

I sat down.

"Mines was ok, how bout yours?" Kai replies with furrowed eyebrows

"Are you sick or something? Do you have a fever?" He adds on

"Mines was good and no I'm not sick or have a fever, why would you ask that? I ask with one eyebrow raised

"I don't know your just acting weird." He admits

"How am I acting weird?" I question

"You just called me baby and hugged me then gave me a peck on the lips like you were my wife that loved me." Kai responses

I rolled my eyes and scoffed

"Well I promised someone that I would give you a chance sooo I plan on keeping that promise." I say with a bit of sassiness, dragging out the so

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