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Jess's pov

So im running away and nobody knows and imma make sure they never find me. I live in upstate New York and im going to the city to start new since my bestfriend obviously doesn't care about me she cares more about her boyfriend than anything and it pisses me off but thats not my main reason of running away its this stupid fucking house I live in my dads an alcoholic and treats everyone like shit my mom is always in pain and I just feel like im in the way and my brother is going to collage in a couple months so no one will miss me.

Today's the day I pack a bag and quietly go downstairs and sneak out the door and call an uber to take me to the city. By the way did I mention that its fricken the first of February and its cold as shit outside so im freezing while waiting for the Uber hoping to god nobody in my family heard or saw me leave.

The Uber finally gets here and I get in and pit my bag to the side and then im off to the city with nowhere to stay and nobody I know down there so lets hope I don't freeze to death.

About an hour in we stop for gas and snacks since my uber driver is a nice lady and can tell im running away.

"Yknow you're gonna be an amber alert right but I won't say anything unless im asked ok I can tell by how excited you were when you saw me pull up to your house that you dont have the best life so i get it and I hope you the best. My uber driver says once we get to some random street in the city. "Thank you so much I hope you have a nice day" I grab my bag and start walking down this really sketchy place idk where I am but I keep walking down the side walk until I hear yelling coming from a warehouse alittle bit in front of me. So me being the nosy bitch I am go looking for the human that caused the noise. I get over to a window a peek in to see this guy tied to a chair with another guy with a gun standing in front of him "WHERES MY MONEY ANDY" the guy with the gun screamed at the guy...ngl guy with a gun is kinda hot... omg no jess dont think like that hes a criminal if he sees you you're probly dead.

So after about 5 minutes of watching this I finally saw the guys face that was tied up 'andy carls' omg he's the guy that tried to take advantage of me when I was shitface drunk when I was in the wrong crowd like 6 months ago and I get so angry I turn from the window to see 2 girls looking at me "uh hey" I said kinda nervous "what the hell do you think you're doing" one of then said "well I was walking and I heard yelling and then I saw that and then I saw the guys face thats tied up and omg when is he gonna shoot his brains out cause if he doesn't I most certainly will" "you know who andy is" the girl asked "yea about 6 months ago I was kinda in the wrong crowd and we all got wasted and they all left me on the side of the road and mr carls tried to take advantage of me" I said getting really pissed off "so is he gonna kill him or not" I said "idk we were just about to go see wanna come with" "are you sure the super scary guy with the gun isn't gonna shoot me" I said kinda nervous "nah he won't hes a sweetheart hes my brother" "im jess by the way" "im Stacy and this is marko" "hey" Marko said "hi" I said "so what are you doing at 4 am in a sketchy part of the city" "I just ran away from a very bad life hoping I can start over my life with no fake toxic friends" "well we'll take you in under our wing since you seem young how old are you" "im 15" "well im 17 and Stacy is 19" "cool so can we go in now" "omg yea of course lets go" Stacy said while grabbing my hand and running towards the door.

Once we were inside we walked over to the 2 dudes and my nerves kicked in again and when I'm nervous I ramble. "CONLIN" marko yelled at the guy with the his name in Conlin wow what a hot name for a hot guy... no no stop thinking that "who's she" Conlin said looking at me "this is jess thought you'd wanna meet her since we're taking her under our wing since she ran away and has nowhere to go and she already knows this peice of shit" Stacy said pointing at andy and then andy lifted his head up and smirked at me "ohhh yea jess tell me am I gonna be able to see more of your sexy body what did you say you were 14" "im 15 now" I said getting grossed out and pissed "well you're still as hot as I remember and God the shit I wanna do that little pussy" he said thats when I lost it I grabbed Conlin gun and shot him right dead center of his forehead "peice of shit" I muttered before looking at Conlin "sorry" I said quietly handing him back his gun "no dont apologize" "woah wasn't expecting you to shoot him I was expecting you to like just hit him" Stacy said looking excited "why are you so excited" I asked her "CAUSE I WANT ANOTHER GIRL IN THE GANG AND YOU KILLED HIM WITH NO HESITATION. OMG WAIT have you ever killed someone before this" "nope hes my first kill" I said with no ounce of guilt in me "oh yes so jess this is Conlin my brother and stacys cousin Conlin this is jess our little runaway" marko introduced "hey" I said smiling up at him since he's like 6'3 while I'm 5'7 "hi" he said smirking down at me "so how old are you" I asked him "18" he said "coolio my ex justin was 18 he made me really uncomfortable" I said "ok yea im someone who talks alot so get used to it but anywho what do I have to do to be in the gang" I asked him "well since you're looking at the leader ill tell you, you have to kill 100 people in a week doesn't have to be this week it can be any week" "ok" I said " have no hesitation on killing people which you obviously don't" he said while pointing at andy in the chair and I giggled and he smiled at me "you have to get along with everyone and you'll meet the like 5 others we have its not a big gang but its a feared gang and ill help you train sound good" "sounds great" I said smiling "ok let's go" Stacy said grabbing my arm and pulling me along with marko.

We get to this apartment building and marko turns to look at me "so you'll be rooming with me since I'm the only one without a roommate except Conlin since he's the leader he gets his own place" "ok sounds good can we go shopping tomorrow" I asked her and Stacy "OMG YESSSS" they screamed and I laughed.

A/N: hey yall thanks for reading the first chapter of is she? Hope you enjoyed and lets see if jess gets along with the boys of the gang...

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