Chapter 1

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I had always loved the way he looked at me.

It had been the first day of year 12 and Mr. Faye sat perched upon his desk, looking over the class as a mingle of internal students that attended the school before hand mixed with the external students who had decided to join our school as a way of furthering their education.

And through the mist of it all his eyes were on mine and he smiled at me.

Nina pulled lightly at my left arm as she realised I was zoning out of the conversation that my friends had been having.

"Elara! Do you think you'll be going?"

I had 5 pairs of eyes staring at me waiting for my reply and I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck my answer programmed almost naturally.

"Of course I will!"

The girls broke back into their conversation about how we'd be going out at the end of the day to celebrate the beginning of year 12 and though embarrassing, I couldn't help but allow my eyes to be drawn to him.

He had been Nina's form tutor when we had been in Year 11, and though he had never taught me directly, all of the mornings I spend in Nina's class before I were to go off to my own form made it feel like he had.

He wasn't conventionally attractive, to many at least.

He had a mop of curly light brown hair, the strands unruly and the definition of them depending on the time he pulled himself out of bed in the morning. His face was rather rounded, though he had the most adorable dimples when he smiled, and he had stubble across his jaw.

He wasn't incredibly tall, his height was above mine at 5'8" so I had mentally placed him at somewhere between 5'10" to 5'11" as I would have to look up to talk at him, that being something I relished.

He was our form tutor

My form tutor

As silly as it was of me to be crushing over someone as unattainable as he was I couldn't help myself, for as long as I remembered he's always been of interest to me.

He had always been someone I enjoyed seeing in the mornings, as our friend group often hung out in Ninas form during our lower years, which would result in us spending at least 15 minutes a day with him before we were shuffled along to our own tutor groups.

And whilst now that and more would be promised due to him being my form tutor, I couldn't help but feel a tension which would tug at the bottom of my stomach every time his glace cast over my face and he would pull his bottom lip between his teeth teasingly, raising an eyebrow in a taunting manner which would always cause a smile to break out across my face.

In a desperate attempt to make it less obvious that I was pining over a married man at 8:45 in the morning I instead diverted my attention to those within my form class. It was the first form period of the year, and it was very distinguishable in how divided the classroom was.

On the side where I sat, were my friends, along with all the other internal students who had attended the lower school and therefor felt more comfortable with eachother, and felt at ease to sit where they pleased without facing any objections.

However on the opposing side there were the external students. They were either sat alone, after coming to a sixth form and being split from those they knew who were placed in other form classes, or lucky enough to be in a pair with someone they knew from their previous school.

Amongst the mist of all the temporary cliques that would hopefully disintegrate later on in the term and the chattering of girls catching up on how they spent their summer, his eyes were on mine, his lips tugged upwards into a smile and my face mirroring his.

I was utterly pathetic.

Talia, one of closet friends unintentionally pulled me out of my trance my elbowing me in the side which resulted in me wincing and looking over at her.

She was gorgeous, don't get me wrong, with her skin mirroring mine in colour regardless of the fact that we were from completely different continents.

Her hair was in waves after she had taken them down from the braids they had been in from her Monday netball training, and her jet black hair cascaded down her back like thin ink strokes. Her fingers, the back of her hands and up until around the crease of her elbow were additionally decorated in intricate designs of patterns drawn in henna that her cousin had done for her over the weekend. However despite her beauty she had the temperament of a younger brother who didn't know how to read the room.

"Bro, stop staring"

Like I said, she couldn't read the room.

" I wasn't staring " I shot back, despite the fact that to anyone who would have happened to have been looking at me at the time,  it would have been painfully clear that I was in fact, staring.

"Uh huh, sure" she raised an eyebrow mockingly at me, packing her laptop into her backpack before flinging it carelessly over her shoulder, as if she didn't just place a quarter of her child trust fund in her bag.

I let out a breath, my eyes drifting over to where they'd happily been residing on my teacher at the front of the class, his eyes squinted behind the frames of his glasses and teeth bared as he smiled, his hands moving around as he articulated himself.

He used his hands a lot.

Though I knew it was to come, I couldn't help but feel dejected upon hearing the bell that indicated the end of our tutor period, my mood being momentarily lifted upon seeing his name on my timetable, the lesson scheduled at 3rd period.

As Talia tangled her fingers around my wrist and pulled me out of the classroom upon realising whatever she was saying to me was going in one ear and out the other, I had a final look around my form class my steps heavy as I attempted to slow her down.

The external students looked grateful that they were able to escape from the entangled bunch of internal students who mostly kept to themselves and the internal students looked raring to go, a new experience in a building that they were already familiar with.

And once again, amidst the chaos my eyes met his, the bottom lip pulled between his teeth letting me know he'd been watching me for a while and the slight quirk of his brow, his signal to the fact that he knew he'd be seeing me later the last I'd seen of him before I was pulled out of his line of vision.

I really loved the way he looked at me.

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