↳ Pennys Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches

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(outfit above)

SLAMWhat the hell? Was that the door?I slam my covers off of me mad because I was awoken by a slamming door I put on my sweater, slippers, and grab my phone walking out of my small bedroom to check what is going on

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What the hell? Was that the door?
I slam my covers off of me mad because I was awoken by a slamming door I put on my sweater, slippers, and grab my phone walking out of my small bedroom to check what is going on.
I walk into the kitchen and see some money and... Peanut butter and honey sandwiches, Two to be exact. I pull out my phone and try to call my mom.
"Hey, this is Margaret Fallon try again later." I hear my mother's voice say in a monotone voice, what the hell is going on?


"Aliyah, you don't understand they just left me," I say to my best friend Aliyah Jonsie on the phone "they just left me" I slightly sniffle realizing that they did leave me.
"Penny, my mom's is coming over to pick you up, pack a bag. My mom's going to try and get in contact with a lawyer or judge or someone to get some custody of you." Aliyah declares to me.
"Oh ok, love you!" I say and hear a little "love ya" and hang out. Taking a bite out of my peanut butter and honey sandwich I think out loud "how the hell am I going to get around this."

Knock, knock, knock.

"Coming!" I yell and open the door "hi Mrs. Jonsie!" I say hugging the older woman
"Hi Penny, are you ready to go?" she asks and I nod and run to her grey Chevy Malibu and hop in buckling up. "I'm going to be calling my lawyer soon to see what your parents say and want to do it, I'm sorry Penny you Dont deserve to just be forgotten and left behind with what?" she says and forgets what I was left with
"Two peanut butter and honey sandwiches and a $50 bill," I say ashamed and look down.
"Aw, hun." Mrs. Jonsie says and half hugs me "Well let's get this show on the road," she says and starts the car.
Looking out the window I wonder what the hell I was supposed to do with my new situation.

Just Like Honey // Stacey McGillWhere stories live. Discover now