Death. There were bodies everywhere, and TItans roamed the unfamiliar area. You looked around, only to see the armored titan run through the city and destroy the second wall. Debris flew everywhere, and people screamed in terror due to the mindless beasts that were feeding upon them.

I gasped and quickly sat up in my bed.

"Just another dream," I muttered as I ran my fingers through my knotted, curly hair. I pushed my thin white blanket off of me, then slid out of bed and put on my slippers. I walked down the hall, to the general's room and swung the door open. People gathered in his room, talking about whatever. I quickly walked over to the notebook and grabbed a pen, then I took a seat at the table and began to write down everything I say in my dream, in great detail.

"How dare this brat just interrupt our meeting like that!" Man one exclaimed. I heard scraping, then more speaking.

"Don't distract her! If she forgets her dream, then that could be bad news for us!" The general exclaimed.

"She's the one?" A woman said.


"She... sees the future?" Man two said.

I assume the general nodded because man one started yelling at me. "You there! What's my future?! Tell me you devil! What will happen in the next battle!"

"It doesn't work that way," I muttered with a sigh before standing up from my seat. "Sir, I wrote as much as I could remember, but that man distracted me," I lied. He growled in annoyance.

"_____, go ahead and get ready for training. I'll deal with him."

I nodded. "Have a nice day," I mumbled before leaving the room.

I bet you're confused, huh? My name is ____ Jayu (I'm pretty sure I said that already), and I'm what they call, a devil, simply because I'm an Eldian. Unlike most Eldians, though, I have a special ability. All Eldians can turn into titans, unlike the rest of the world but I have something different. I can see the future, through my dreams.

There's an upside and a downside to that. The upside is, I am very useful to Marley, so I get special treatment, like a fancy room near the general's office, his protection, leverage over people that annoy me, and other stuff. I don't have to prove my worth to inherit one of the titans. I wouldn't do that anyway, honestly.

The downside is that the government uses me for my dreams. I am required to write down every single dream I have, no matter how short or vague. People harass me, asking me to tell them their future, but I cant. My dreams are random, very random. I can see things in the far future and the close future. I have no control over it and, usually, I have no way of knowing when these events take place.

Now, we have won battles and defended attacks on our country because of my dreams, but, honestly, this life is shitty. I'm just some pawn for the government. They wouldn't have even given a shit about my life if I wasn't useful. 


After breakfast, I went training with a few of the new candidates for the titans, Reiner, Bertolt, Annie, Porco, and Marcel.

Back then, I was fairly strong. I was fast, but not faster than Annie or Porco, and I was great at hand-to-hand combat. I was shorter than everyone there, so of course, I used that to my advantage... sometimes. You gotta do what you gotta do to be the best.

I stood and watched Porco bully Reiner, once again. I sighed and walked over to him.

"Porco, leave him alone."

He paused and looked at me. "Can't you see that I'm right? You can see the future! I'll be a titan and this weakling won't, right?"

I sighed before easily flipping Porco over my shoulder. "Fuck off. I can see you'll get your ass kicked if you don't."

He stood up and dusts himself off. "You're lucky you're cute," he scoffed before walking away. I turned away from him and sighed. "You okay, Reiner?"

"You didn't have to step in. I could've stood up for myself."

"I butted in because he was annoying," I said. "Besides," I paused. "In my lastest dream, the armored titan looked like you."


I walked away from him instead of responding.

Well, this is my life in a nutshell. It took a while for things to change, for someone to change me. I bet you're wondering "someone changed you? who?" "What made you change?" "What happened?" Well, you'll find out soon, so just keep reading.


I froze and stared at the Titan that ate Marcel. Reiner was the first person to run away, then Bertolt and Annie ran after him. I watched that Titan turn back into a human, a girl. I took off my jacket and gave it to her.

"Take it and run," I said before running in the direction the others went. I watched Annie and Reiner fight. I facepalmed before I walked over to them. "Was that really necessary?"

Bertolt shed a tear as he watched. "Please, let her go."


I stood inside the city and watched Reiner and Bertolt destroy the walls protecting these people from the titans. Blood splattered the pavement and people screamed in terror.

'I've dreamt of this,' I thought as I looked around.

This is exactly what my dream was, years before this happened. I can remember every single future dream I've had, and they eventually come together like a story. I have a vague idea about what will happen in the future, and sometimes I know exactly what will happen, but I haven't told anyone.

I guess that makes me a traitor to my country, huh? I think ultimately, changing the future is wrong, but as I said before, you gotta do what you gotta do. You have to do what is best for you so you can survive.

"I did it, I actually did it," Reiner said.

"Yea, hurray," I said sarcastically.

"You dont seem very happy about that," Annie said.

"Why would I be happy about slaughtering people?"

"How could you say that? They're devils!"

"So are we!" I exclaimed. "The only reason we're not like them is that we're useful. We're considered devils too!"

"So you're a traitor to Marley," Bertolt said.

"She can't be," Reiner said. 

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not being formal with you people. I have leverage over you. A few words to the general and your titans will be given to someone else, so I'm not scared," I growled while staring down at them. "No matter who's side you're on, it's common sense that mass murder is fucked up. Our whole system is fucked up, but we can't do anything but accept that fact and fight for our lives."

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