Part 25

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We spent some more time there, after a while we came back home, that day we were tired, so we didn't stream

We watched movies and TV shows, and played Minecraft until 1 a.m., and as expected, Tommy didn't stop complaining about how the shows were better in the UK and that America was really stupid

The night went on and by the next morning, I was acting like the first day again, I didn't care about anything, he was already packing when I came in his room with a cake I did one night

-Uh...Tom...I made this for you- 

I made this for you- 

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-Thank you...? It's perfect-

-No, it sucks, I suck at baking-

-No you don't- He took it and walked out of the room -I'll go for forks-

-I feel like you may stab me...With a fork- He laughed -Tommy no!!-

So he did, no he didn't stab me, he went for the forks. We ate the cake silently directly from the mold, it was better than I expected, but my frosting looked so awful

-It's actually really good, for an American-

-Oh shut up!- We laughed -You'll have to eat this before leaving, I think you can't take food on a plane-

-I could hide it-

-The airport people won't let you, they check you even in the ass- 

-Then I'll have to stay longer-

Sure...I wish, but I didn't say anything. I smiled hurtfully and went back inside to get ready to go leave him

-It looks like you want me to go-

-It's not that- He got up next to me -I just want this to hurt as least as possible- I cleaned of a tear with my hoodie sleeve

-But we can talk everyday, play and stream together- He grabbed my face and raised my view

-It will not be the same...I knew this was to good to be true- 

He started sobbing and seconds later, crying 

He started sobbing and seconds later, crying 

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-Then...What do we do now?- I hugged him and we stayed there for a while 

-It was never meant to be, Tommy...Everything good comes to an end- My voice broke


Red and White (TommyInnit x reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now