Part 9

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As we got to school, the teacher told us to do a line in the entrance to get in the bus, I sat with Tommy in the middle right, I was by the side of the window and our stuff were in the compartment on top 

I plugged my earphones in and gave one to Tommy sitting beside me, we were actually vibing with road trip music, I took some books and watched Netflix for a while, we talked a while and I spent most of my time looking through the window

We had around 3 stops because the trip was really long, that way the teacher prevented us to get sick, or hungry, or wanting to go to the bathroom, we also went to stretch the legs

The first stop was an hour in, everyone was hungry so we stopped by a McDonald's, some kids went to the bathroom, but the food was to go, the whole bus filled with burger smell, but lucky we weren't hungry anymore

The second stop was in the second hour, we stopped by a gas station with a convenience store, bathroom and snacks, ready to go

The third and last stop, we were in a really high point, close to the mountains, so to stretch and breath clean air, we got out for around a half hour 

The place was cold, so everyone had their sweaters on, the view was beautiful so I sat down to admire it. I took a lot of photos and breathed the fresh cold air, the place was a little silent, the other students were taking pics and hanging around, the only thing that could make this even better is...

-Hey- A British familiar voice talked behind me

-Hey Tommy!- I raised my view and invited him to sit down with me 

-Are you by yourself?- He sat with me

-Yep...Well, I was waiting for you- I smiled -What took so long?-

-I couldn't find my sweater- he raised his shoulders -But I got it now- 

I laid my head on his shoulder and we stayed there quietly, peacefully, warm. The time passed by and we had to go back in the bus

 The time passed by and we had to go back in the bus

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