Be Careful What You Google

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Author's Note: I know I said that the last chapter would be the final one but I had someone that requested I do another part, so I decided to do one but two years later once the quints have all been introduced. Anyway this takes place two years later and this one will for sure be the final part. Anyway I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you thought.

"What are you doing," Ava asked Lola and Tessa as she finished her school work for the day and came home to see Lolaand Tessa laughing as they were looking at Lola's phone while Mal was sitting next to them and watching with them.

"Oh we were just googling people that we know," Lola told Ava as she held the phone up making Ava's eyes widen when she saw what Lola and Tessa were watching. "Stop watching that! That's so embarrassing," Ava told Lola and Tessa as she saw Lola and Tessa had found her youtube account for her fashion brand.

"No way! We're just being supportive sisters," Lola playfully told Ava, making Ava roll her eyes as she sat down by Lola, Tessa, and Mal and started googling Lola's name wanting to get back at her. "Oh my gosh! What is this!" Ava told Lola as she held up her phone.

"Oh that! That was my first photography contest! Aww look how cute I looked with my new camera," Lola told Ava, making Ava roll her eyes as she knew she wasn't going to get to Lola. "It is pretty cool," Ava told Lola, making her laugh.

"Yeah it is and honestly these videos are awesome! You can really see the work that you put into your designs. I find that amazing!" Lola told Ava, making her laugh as she looked at Lola.

"Thanks and yeah I do," Ava told Lola, making them both laugh when the small girl got bored. "This is boring now! Oooh google Auntie April! Please! Please! Please!" The small four year old begged out making the two young adults laugh as they nodded.

"Alright April Dibrina let's see what comes up," Lola told Mal who laughed as she climbed over Lola trying to get a better view making Lola, Ava, and Tessa laugh. "Alright kid a little space," Lola playfully told the four year old as she moved Mal off of her a little bit.

"But I wanna see! I wanna see! I wanna see!" The small girl whined out as she stood up on the couch almost falling over, but Ava caught her as she sat her down. "Mal please be careful. Lola will put it on the Tv," Tessa told the small girl, making Lola nod as she air played her screen onto the Tv making the small girl look at the tv in awe.

"Woah! How did you do that!" The small girl screamed out in shock and awe making Ava and Lola laugh. "Magic!" Lola playfully told the small girl making her gasp as she looked at Lola.

"Really!" Mal asked in amazement making Lola laugh as she couldn't do it anymore. "No I just pressed this button here, but it would be cool if I could do it from magic," Lola told the small girl, making her nod as she looked at the screen again.

"Okay let's see! Blah blah blah broadway dancer blah blah blah oh wait! Here's something interesting!" Lola told the other two as she found a video under April's name that looked embarrassing and she immediately clicked on it.

"Whoa no way! That's April! I knew she seemed familiar!" Ava exclaimed as she watched the video of April pushing Miss Zimmer off the stage. The same video that had gone viral and almost ruined April's whole career.

"Yeah I know right! I used to watch this video over and over again! I had no clue that it was our own sister! But now that I know that just makes this video even funnier!" Lola told Ava and Tessa who laughed in agreement.

"Yeah wow it's actually crazy that we've all seen this video even before we even knew who she was to us," Tessa told the others who laughed in agreement as they kept watching the video that was playing over and over again.

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